How do I tithe 10% or anything when I only have enough money for rent, electricity and food?

If I tithe I won't have enough money for rent so I will be evicted. Electricity will be turned off and I will starve from no food.

Clarify Share Report Asked November 04 2013 Mini Anonymous

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Data Carl Jones Supporter
Tithing is never taught as a means of giving for Christians.
There is clear teaching given in the epistles in regards Christians giving.

On the first day of every week, each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with your income, saving it up, so that when I come no collections will have to be made. 1 Corinthians 16:2 NIV

Key words; "in keeping with your income" 
The KJV says; "as God hath prospered him" There are times when your income is only sufficient to pay the immediate bills and to set aside money for God's work would cause further debt. If you have no finances God does not ask you to give what you do not have.

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
2 Corinthians 9:7 NIV

Notice there is no mention of tithing? We are to give what we have decided in our heart, God leaves the amount up to us. God does not count what we give but what we hold on to. A person who has a great income and little outgoings can afford to give much more than a tithe.

Christians are also taught to owe no man anything, we are to pay taxes and to provide for our own families. God does not want the testimony of His people to be compromised, for us to have financial problems caused by legalistic tithing. We are to be wise stewards of what He gives us.

One thing we should bear in mind is that all we have is from God and that we are use what we can in service to Him, God does not want 10% of our money, He desires 100% of us, don't get bound up in tithes, remember what Jesus said regarding the pharisee and the tax collector.

The pharisee said; "I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get" But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said,"‘God, have mercy on me, a sinner"
God looks on the heart not the collection plate.

November 05 2013 1 response Vote Up Share Report

286 kb BobbiLee Jones Supporter
A tithe is ten percent of your income. Actually, in the Old Testament giving to the Lord was the basic ten percent plus many more requirements by God. 

However, in the New Testament where we are told we are no longer under the law of Moses because Christ fulfilled the law, the tithe as far as I know is never mentioned. Now, the ten percent is a guideline, but not law. 

If you cannot give ten percent, most of us can give something to the Lord - even if it's just a dollar to start with. You might be surprised that when you begin to give to the Lord's work, even a minute amount, He will bless that giving. Personally, I have emptied my pantry and my bank account to those in need. What happened? Well, you can't out give God. We received many times more than we gave, and our "cup" was filled up, and running over until I had to give more away. Just begin, even it's a "widow's mite".

November 05 2013 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Bruce Albert Supporter
Tithing is more than just money. Tithing can be services rendered to the church or helping someone in need. Money is a big help for a church to maintain utilities, assisting missions, providing pastors a salary, publishing handouts, etc. But not everyone can afford the "10 percent", if you can think of God first and the mission on earth that needs to be accomplished in the teachings of Christianity. Jesus didn't have "10 percent" of money, but He offered more than "10 percent" in His teachings of Christianity. The money tithe is needed for the spread and teachings of Christianity and should be given with a free and willing heart. It doesn't have to be a full "10 percent", but what you can give or what you can do.

November 05 2013 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Ray Harris Supporter
I'll tell you from personal experience...

When i was the most broke is when I gave a HIGHER percentage. The idea is not so much the 10% figure, it is to make you realize that GOD is the SOURCE of your supply and that if you have faith on the many promises that He has made that NONE of His shall EVER beg and that He takes care of the sparrows. So of COURSE He'll take care of you. 

If you give it will be given back to you in FULL measure in THIS life. Take into consideration that the very breath you draw is a gift from Him. Put yourself in His hands and draw from His supply. I can testify that it works. Give and keep your eyes open: you'll see the Lord at work!

November 05 2013 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Stringio Mi Shad Ow Supporter Layman
The question shouldn't be how do I tithe, it should be how can I afford not to tithe. Tithing is a issue of faith. The Greek word for faith is "pistis" it means confidence, faithfulness, trust, and pledge of good faith. It is only our job to be good steward of what God has in trusted to us i.e. jobs, money. It is his job to take care of us. 

Here is where faith comes into play. 2 Pet 3:15 cast all your cares on him for he cares for you. Heb 13:5 I will never leave you or forsake you. God knows every bill you will ever have. Matt 6:24 you cannot serve God and mammon (money). By tithing you are saying in a sense God you are more important to me than money, Phil 4:19 shall supply all your needs. 

I would like to take this time to point out that if tithing was not important to God he would not have put it in the Bible. The placement (Old/New) makes no difference. The law that was abolished was the sacrificial law for our sins. 

Here are a few other scriptures to think about Mal 3:10 will a man rob God...In tithes and offerings, 1 Corn 6:10 nor thief's, Lev 27:31 if a man will at all redeem ought of his tithes..add 20%

November 06 2013 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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