What is the number of good news or bad news a person can have per day according to the Bible?

For example, Job heard that his family was killed and he lost his money all in the same say, is not that right? and on the other side,  if we look in Acts for example, when Peter was in jail and the angel helped him out, that was good news for the Christians praying for him, so my question is, is there a restriction on the number of blessings/curses a person can have per day?

Clarify Share Report Asked November 26 2013 Mini Anonymous

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Stringio Colin Wong Supporter Founder, eBible.com
The Bible does not specify a quota on the number of blessings or curses you are allowed to receive on any given day. God blesses abundantly to those who follow Him.

We might not understand why certain "setbacks" can be good for us but understand that everything that happens, happens for a reason. There is nothing that is pointless. God has a specific purpose for you and for absolutely everything that happens to you in your life. Therefor do not seek to count your blessings and curses as if that is what you deserved or earned.

We might not understand why, but that is not for us to question. The latter part of the Book of Job depicts this. Job questions the Lord on why He allowed such suffering to happen to him. Job felt he did no wrong; that it was all senseless. But the Lord's rebuke is such that there is much we do not understand and cannot understand. Good or bad, the Lord has a purpose.

To which Job replies...

Job 40:4-5
"I am unworthy - how can I reply to you?
I put my hand over my mouth.
I spoke once, but I have no answer -
twice, but I will say no more."

In the end everything that Job had lost was doubled in return. From 7K sheep to 14 sheep, 3K camels to 6K camels, 500 oxens to 1K oxens, 500 donkeys to 1K donkeys. He was blessed with another 7 sons and 3 daughters.

Job 42:15-16
Nowhere in all the land were there found women as beautiful as Job's daughters, and their father granted them an inheritance along with their brothers. After this, Job lived a hundred and forty years; he saw his children and their children to the fourth generation. And so Job died, an old man and full of years.

November 26 2013 6 responses Vote Up Share Report

Image Bryan Naidoo Supporter founder and senior pastor of The Upper-Room Church
I have not found anywhere in the holy scriptures that there are good days and bad days.
As a bible believing Christian everyday is a Good day. Unfortunately in the life of Job, he started of well accepting everything as Gods will, but than he began to question God.
Romans 8:28.all things work for Good to them that love God and who are called according to his purpose.
This scripture tells us thar all things work for good....not for everybody, but those that love God. It is true we all will say that we love him. Yet Jesus says "you say you love me why do you not do that I ask you to do"
Also. How many are in the purpose and will of God. When we look at the life of the apostles their days were Good because there were in Gods will. Jesus cried three times in the Garden concerning the Cross that was before him.....can we say it was a bad day for Jesus. May I ask when Jesus hung on that old rugged cross was it a good day or a bad day.
As a Christian we believe everyday is good..it comes from God our father. Situations and circumstances must never determine the quality of our days, but knowing that our Lord is present with us, is all that matters.

Stay blessed

June 04 2014 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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