Is it possible to be truly converted and yet lack full surrender?

Suppose someone is very active in church attendence and missions support, but has not bothered to correct certain errors even after much admonition--errors like murmering, criticising and lack of love for the brethren. Is this person truly saved?

Clarify Share Report Asked February 12 2014 20131114 174154 Aju Thom Supporter

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Mini John Krysiuk

WOW I can not imagine any person of conscience not having asked themselves this question. It is the personal residence of my moments of doubt leading to self examination. I find the question leads to an even deeper point. All Moral matters and all matters of Spirit have a positional component that relates all things of the heart and Spirit relative to yourself and your position meaning. What is more important than you? Why is it more important and / or why not? Then what is GOD'S position relative to you? Where are you right now? Finally what place is faith in in your positional world. My personal punch line what should be like a little child? How much should we argue with GOD? Why? What happens when we examine the positions in our argument? What is the role of the cross we carry? There really is no end to this question. What a beautiful question. What an honest place to be....JK

February 13 2014 Report

Mini Phil Phillips

This begs the question: if you're only saved if you're "totally surrendered" what happens when a "totally surrendered, born again Christian" stumbles? Since we know we aren't capable of not stumbling, this seems to suggest that salvation can be lost which we know is not scriptural.

February 13 2014 Report

Woman in rollers Penny G. Vera

Hello, my name is Penny, I would ask you to please guide me to scripture on this question. It is a good question and I would like to further explore it, especially for those who ask, "how do I know for sure I am walking in the way God expects me to, without doubt?" So many ways to put that. Can you help?

February 13 2014 Report

Mini Mary McDonald

Yes, Penny this is an interesting question! I do not feel qualified to answer it, because though I know God, believe in the Salvation of Jesus, and strive to hear and follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit, I am still very much human.
I don't know if we ever "KNOW without a doubt" if we are walking in the way God expects. However, I DO KNOW that if you go back inside this site you will find the place to ask this question for the response of many who are much more knowledgeable in Scriptures, who would be happy to point them out to you.
The only Scripture that comes to my mind is ...
'Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. (James 1:2-5 ESV)'
What I believe is we will be tried and tempted, and have opportunity to chose what paths to take, how to live, etc. And through the reading of Scripture we will see how Jesus lived, and because we believe, should try to live accordingly. But God does not leave us without guidance other than Scriptures, we have the in dwelling of the Holy Spirit too. I believe if you ask God for wisdom to know, He WILL provide it to you.

February 16 2014 Report

Woman in rollers Penny G. Vera

Thank you Mary for your insight.

February 17 2014 Report

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