What was the first animal that God created?


Clarify Share Report Asked May 03 2014 Mini Anonymous

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Mini Shelton Seward Supporter
Interesting question. The bible isn't clear on the "first "animal, yet, on Day Four of creation - "God said, Let the waters swarm with swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven." (Genesis 1:21). Yet if we acknowledge the huge bones that have been found for hundreds of years now, given the name of "Dinosaurs", we can notice a peculiar Hebraic word that is used in the next verse.

Genesis 1:21
And God created "great whales", and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind:and God saw that it was good.

The word is Great "tanniym". Defined in Strongs Concordance as: "a marine or land MONSTER, sea-serpent, jackal, dragon, serpent, whale." Out of the 28 times "Tanniym" is in the scriptures, 21 times it's translated "Dragon". Now do I believe that there were actually "fire breathing", "flying-winged", "medieval" creatures - not at all. But these huge bones that are evidence of a type of monster, or something that's GREAT (Tanniym) - one perspective could be that Dinosaurs were first. So either creatures of the waters, creatures of the sky, or GREAT "tanniym".

s.n. - I was drinking a snapper and this "Real Fact" was under the top. 

"The oldest living animal ever found was a 405-year-old CLAM, named Ming by researchers."

Hmmm...that is a creature of the waters so interesting indeed

May 04 2014 1 response Vote Up Share Report

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