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Jennifer Rothnie

Housewife, Artist, Perpetually Curious
I came to Christ sometime when I was three - but I don't actually remember the day or what I said. I just know that afterwards I walked with God and knew I had accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior; that He had died to cover my sins; and told everyone so. I was first drawn to God because God was just and true. I knew the world did not operate by its own rules sometimes, and that I was not perfect either. Only a just God could save me, and He had sent His son to do so.

I've been able to attend many different denominations over the years, due to attending church with grandparents, or moving to a new area, or meeting times. My favorite Bible Study group I used to attend was one made up of believers who came from many different denominations, who met at a house to study the word. [If there was ever a topic that had too much denominational friction to discuss, we would have a separate 3 hour + "Can of worms" discussion, with a moderator, to really dive into the scriptures! Those were very fun].

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If you have been blessed with the gift of tongues can you lose it if you haven't used it in awhile and fallen away in your faith?

There are a number of factors that could come into play when there is a...

Comment 2 More Answers 3 Votes Asked February 26 2017


How can we prove that we are different from animals in God's eyes to those who adhere to the theory of evolution?

Evolutionists like to cite genetic similarity between chimpanzees and humans...

7 Comments 7 More Answers 21 Votes Asked February 16 2017


Is, “If the scripture makes plain sense, seek no other sense” a good Bible hermeneutic to use in study?

David L Cooper came up with what he called the ‘golden rule of interpretation...

10 Comments 1 More Answer 12 Votes Asked February 09 2017


When was the book of Revelation written?

Revelation was most likely written prior to 70ad. The late dating (after...

8 Comments 3 More Answers 16 Votes Asked January 03 2017


Will God judge a Christian who marries an unbeliever if his kids do not accept Christ?

God isn’t going to ‘curse’ you in that scenario. You will not lose your...

Comment 1 Vote Asked December 16 2016


Who are the New Calvinists, and what are the beliefs of New Calvinism?

New Calvinists are a movement of Calvinists that seek to engage with the...

3 Comments 1 More Answer 5 Votes Asked October 19 2016


What Bible translation is closest to the original written scriptures?

Since we no longer have any original manuscript, scholars have to compare...

4 Comments 12 More Answers 26 Votes Asked October 07 2016


What does it mean in Rom 3:27 that boasting is excluded because of the law that requires faith?

Boasting is excluded because of the law that requires faith, not works,...

10 Comments 4 More Answers 16 Votes Asked October 06 2016


Does God predestine people to be saved?

Predestination (as per the Biblical definition) means to set...

13 Comments 7 More Answers 31 Votes Asked October 03 2016


What does it mean that no one can know the Father except those the Son is willing to reveal Him to?

This question cuts to the heart of the gospel message. No one can know God...

5 Comments 6 More Answers 20 Votes Asked October 03 2016