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Jonathan sillers

Samford University student, member at Church at Brook Hills
I'm currently a student at Samford University. The Lord Jesus Christ rescued me and called me to himself in January of 2014. I was raised in a christian home and attended a christian school always going to church but my life bore no fruit of being a follow of Christ as I was easily enticed by everything the world said would satisfy me as a young male. I placed my identity in Sports and everything that I was good at until slowly but surely I was stripped of my identities and found alone and empty. I cried out to the Lord and decided I was gonna give my best effort to be a "christian". Trying my best over the next month I ultimately found myself completely frustrated, unable to be what I though a christian should be. I found myself in tears being unable to come to the Lord through my own efforts and apologized to God because I just tried and just simply couldn't do it. (I like to picture God looking at me and saying FINALLY) This is when i heard the most distinct Voice of the Lord calling me by name and talking me he loved me then saying of course you can't do it, you never could, that is why I sent my Son, Jesus. I've already done it for you. At that moment for the first time in my life the gospel became clear to me. He put His Holy Spirit in me and I felt my soul come alive (or what more felt like a heart attack of Joy as my soul shouted songs of praise and worship to the Living God). I can't even begin to recount all the amazing things the Lord did to lead me to the Church, small group, and people to surround myself with that would begin to help me in my newfound relationship with my Redeemer. All my desires were transformed. I'd be lying if I said life became easy after that but the hope that I now have in Jesus makes every difficulty overcomable. I can fight through what seems impossible knowing I rest in the strength of my Savior who has already overcome the world. He is my treasure that I have found in the field that I have sold everything to gain. He is worth it. The more I give to Him the more He gives me of Himself. Nothing is more satisfying than to love and be loved by Jesus.