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Stuart Alexander

Box Maker, Amateur theologian based in atlantic Canada
I am a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ,  God's only Son(Purely God, and Man), who died a physical death on the cross and rose again in three(literal) days.

I'm in my 20's and am a member of a Baptist denomination church in Moncton, NB, Canada, although I would consider myself non-denominational.

Here is some things that I believe about contested doctrine with the family of God.

-Women should never be leaders in a church that puts them in a position of authority of men.  The bible verses that deal with this issue do not deal with a certain people at a certain time but a principle in this world as part of a consequence of the fall of mankind.  There is plenty of ministries available to women that are biblical!

-There is no such thing as "homosexual Christians" but there is such thing as Christians who struggle with homosexuality!  This goes the same as fornication, stealing, drug addiction etc...  A Christian will struggle with issues after being saved and to such there is grace, mercy, peace, forgiveness from our Lord Jesus Christ.  To the unrepentant sinner there is only condemnation lest they repent and truly believe...

-Both of the above issues are signs of apostasy and a church conforming to the world instead of the church acting as the salt of the world. (And what if the salt looses its taste?)

-I am a believer in eternal security.  There are various passages that point towards this CLEARLY, the ones that seemingly point to the opposite I believe are written towards entire people groups(or churches) as the writers were well aware there was unsaved people(or false converts) in the mix.

My paradox:
Does God love His children so much that even if they sin He will bring them home?
Does God hate sin so much that even if it's His child he will cast them into Hell?

The answer is sanctification, the definition of God's Child is in part one who overcomes the world!

Still I do not hold anything against Christians who do not believe in eternal security.  I love them regardless as brothers and sisters in Christ.  


Oh I'm also married and work in a box factory.  I maintain a good sense of humor and love the Lord.  I'm very thankful for what I have!

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