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Michael Harris

trustee of The Mazlen Trust
I am a South African citizen; born in 1940. I was Christened in 1940 and Confirmed in 1953 - in the Anglican Church. (I became a 'Born-again' Christian on the 8/5/1994 after I 'said the sinner's Prayer'; I had a 'full-water-baptism' in 2004). I Matriculated in 1957 with a University pass (rugby colours; swimming captain; Provincial - under 16 soccer; under 19 rugby; Water-polo (and I played 14 years first-league); I was picked for the WITS Inter-varsity soccer team. I Studied at the Technical College; worked and traveled; until I started my own business in 1964. I was a successful businessman in the fields of : manufacturing - copper-ware and fire-place equipment; property - including property-development; farming - bananas and sugar-cane; vehicles - buying, spray-painting, fixing mechanically, and selling motor vehicles (100 second-hand vehicles were on my Company's own 5 x properties at any given time). I Married Hazel in 1965. We had 4 children. We got divorced in 1979. My 2nd marriage is to Meriel -since 1981. Meriel was my first little 'girl-friend'/sweet-heart when we were both 14 year-olds in 1954. As my wife, Meriel is my inspiration; my friend; my companion; in the fullest 'Psalms 1 and Proverbs 31 Biblical way'. I am the Father of two remaining daughters, Teresa and Wendy. (Andrew, our youngest child, died on the 6/5/1994 when he was just 19; Shirley, our 'first-born', died on the 21/1/2006 when she was just 39). We have one grandchild named Jacob. Last week we experienced a Miracle - Jacob told us that he wants to be a Pastor. He is 16 years old, He has come through a very difficult 10 years, after his Mom's death when he was only 6 years old. Praise the GOOD Lord JESUS. I worked in the Prison Ministry from 2000 to 2005. A Spiritual Programme that I started in one Prison is now active in 189 Prisons in South Africa. Starting with the first Bible that I handed over to an Inmate, under the Programme, 23,000 Bibles have been distributed. The Programme now is ‘happening’ in several Counties in Africa; in the USA; in Australia; in England. I still work full-time as follows : 1. My 'fight for Justice' - after FirstRand Limited/FNB wrongfully and by way of Fraud Liquidated my Company in 1998 and Sequestrated my Estate in 2000. (They re-paid some compensation in 2007 and  my Estate was re-instated in 2009).; and  2. As the trustee of a family/charitable trust - The Mazlen Trust which I established in 1971 - to 'Bring Glory to GOD'; and 'help the Community' I have not had a 'drink' since 1971, nor have I smoked a cigarette from about that same time. Praise the GOOD Lord JESUS. I have been a vegetarian since 1976. Praise the GOOD Lord JESUS. I have painted at different stages of my life - 168 paintings adorn the walls of our home. I have made some sculptures; and my anti-apartheid art work is on permanent display at one the Mazlen’s properties. It is the same property where there are two Churches; ladies making bags and croquet blankets; men training in wood-work, welding, computers - all under the guidance of a local Church. Praise the GOOD Lord JESUS. GOD above has given to me my own personal Ministry - I make Crosses out of copper, silver and brass, which I give away, together with a Christian Message/leaflet. So far I have given away over 1,600 of my hand-made Crosses, together with my leaflet. Praise the GOOD Lord JESUS. 

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