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Tim Maas

Retired Quality Assurance Specialist with the U.S. Army
I was raised as a Lutheran, but now consider myself a non-denominational Christian. I have been married for 37 years, and have two married children -- a son who is an attorney, and a daughter who is a mathematics teacher -- as well as a granddaughter who was born in April, 2019, and another granddaughter who was born on 17 February 2020.  I retired in 2013 after 35 years as a Quality Assurance Specialist (Ammunition Surveillance), which is a civilian (Civil Service) career program that inspects and classifies the Army's stockpile of conventional, guided missile, and toxic chemical munitions, so that the Army has an accurate picture of the serviceability and safety of its ammunition stockpile at any given time.   

Recent Activity


What happened to the evil spirits Jesus cast out of the man named "Legion" after the swine drowned? Did they cease to exist?

In my opinion, the evil spirits that Jesus cast out of the man were immortal...

9 Comments 1 More Answer 2 Votes Asked June 08 2017


How do we practice "living to the glory of God"?

Some possible ways: Confess our sins (1 John 1:9). Don't blame God for...

Comment Asked June 07 2017


What happened after Jesus' resurrection to the dead that rose when Jesus died?

These verses from Matthew (which is the only place in the Bible that mentions...

Comment 2 Votes Asked June 06 2017


Is it possible for an individual to be able to see who's a Christian just by looking at a person or passing someone on the street?

The Bible repeatedly says that appearances can be deceiving to human eyes (1...

Comment 4 More Answers 4 Votes Asked June 06 2017


Why does Adam get blamed for the original sin and not Eve?

I would say that, first, Adam alone (prior to the creation of Eve) was the...

1 Comments 2 More Answers 5 Votes Asked June 04 2017


Why did the king want the record of his own reign read to him when he had insomnia?

Perhaps King Xerxes' mind was troubled for some reason, such as worry about...

Comment 1 More Answer 1 Vote Asked June 03 2017


Should the man be the sole financial provider of the home, or can the wife contribute financially as well?

I do not read the referenced passage from Proverbs as stating or implying...

Comment Asked June 02 2017


Are we free from our sins by the death or resurrection of Jesus, or both?

I would say that the Bible indicates that Christ's death and resurrection...

Comment 4 More Answers 5 Votes Asked May 30 2017


How can the believer know that he is living by faith?

I would say that living by faith would be marked by the following...

Comment 1 Vote Asked May 28 2017


Was it biblically wrong for Harry S. Truman to drop the atomic bomb on Japan?

God never directed biblical Israel into war for anything less than total...

1 Comments 3 More Answers 8 Votes Asked May 28 2017


How did Joseph know that to sleep with Potiphar's wife was a sin?

Despite living before the giving of the Law, Joseph would doubtless have been...

2 Comments 2 More Answers 7 Votes Asked May 28 2017


Should believers follow the laws of the country they reside in or are citizens of?

Christians have a duty to obey the laws of the society in which they live,...

Comment 1 More Answer 1 Vote Asked May 27 2017


Why did Jonah hate the Ninevites and not want them to be forgiven?

In my opinion, Jonah's reaction to God sparing Nineveh as a result of the...

2 Comments 3 More Answers Asked May 27 2017


Is it wrong to pray the prayer of Jabez or other such prayers that Jesus didn't mention?

Jesus' disciples requested that He teach them to pray, as John the Baptist...

Comment 2 More Answers 11 Votes Asked May 22 2017


Are people called to fight demons?

It seems to me that, even more than in New Testament times, we as Christians...

Comment 3 Votes Asked May 22 2017