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Tim Maas

Retired Quality Assurance Specialist with the U.S. Army
I was raised as a Lutheran, but now consider myself a non-denominational Christian. I have been married for 37 years, and have two married children -- a son who is an attorney, and a daughter who is a mathematics teacher -- as well as a granddaughter who was born in April, 2019, and another granddaughter who was born on 17 February 2020.  I retired in 2013 after 35 years as a Quality Assurance Specialist (Ammunition Surveillance), which is a civilian (Civil Service) career program that inspects and classifies the Army's stockpile of conventional, guided missile, and toxic chemical munitions, so that the Army has an accurate picture of the serviceability and safety of its ammunition stockpile at any given time.   

Recent Activity


What do the friends of the Shulamite woman mean by saying, "We will extol your love more than wine?"

The Hebrew word used here (transliterated into English as "nazkirah") has a...

Comment 1 Vote Asked February 12 2016


Does Zechariah 11:10-11 end or negate God's covenant with the Jewish people?

As I read this passage, the covenant being referred to here is not the...

Comment 2 More Answers 3 Votes Asked February 12 2016


Is it possible for married Christians to be unequally yoked?

In my opinion, married Christians cannot be unequally yoked in the sense that...

Comment 3 Votes Asked February 12 2016


How can I explain to one who Satan is? What points can I use to explain to one how bad Satan is?

To me, you can start with any day's news with regard to all the unspeakable...

Comment 1 More Answer Asked February 12 2016


What are the Biblical attributes of Jesus Christ?

Since Jesus was both true God and true man, He possessed all the attributes...

1 Comments 7 Votes Asked February 11 2016


What do the smoking fire pot and the flaming torch symbolize in Genesis 15:17?

In my opinion, the smoking fire-pot was symbolic or prophetic of the...

Comment 3 More Answers 3 Votes Asked February 11 2016


How does John 2:16, "Stop turning My Father's house into a marketplace," pertain to churches today selling all sorts of things in the church?

In my opinion, the two situations are not necessarily directly comparable...

Comment 1 More Answer 2 Votes Asked February 11 2016


What are God's promises to a backslider that repents?

Although the Bible contains many strong warnings against backsliding (moving...

Comment 2 More Answers 5 Votes Asked February 10 2016


How did Jesus Christ save us from our sins?

Jesus provided salvation by undeservedly (because He Himself had never...

Comment 2 More Answers 2 Votes Asked February 09 2016


Do Christian couples fight?

Whenever a man and a woman develop a close relationship (and especially one...

Comment 1 More Answer 1 Vote Asked February 08 2016


What does the phrase, "God speed" mean?

The word "speed", as formerly used in Middle English at the time that this...

Comment Asked February 05 2016


What does the bible mean by "illegitimate by birth"?

The Hebrew word in this verse that is translated as "one of illegitimate...

Comment Asked February 05 2016


What does 'may the Lord direct your hearts to the love of God and to the steadfastness of Christ' mean?

In this verse, I believe that Paul is expressing the hope that the members of...

Comment 1 Vote Asked February 05 2016


What does God mean when He says, "I will show him my salvation" in Psalm 91:16?

I can't speak from knowledge of the original Hebrew in which the psalm was...

Comment 1 More Answer Asked February 05 2016