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Janice Ray

Currently working at K&W Cafeteria,Chapel Hill,NC
I am a 54 year old widower.I grew up going to Church.I have always believed but didn't practice and grow in my faith.When I lost both of my parents in 1999,I turned to the bottle, instead of my faith, to help me through this immense loss.Needless to say Satan got a powerful grip on me.I tried getting sober,but didn't put God in my life (minimally).Eventually I relapsed several times, in and out of recovery. I decided that I couldn't live this evil life anymore and came back into recovery July 31,2014.I put Jesus first in my life today.I read the Bible,pray,do my Bible studies everyday!! Of course, the 1st thing I did was invited Christ back into my heart and life and asked for forgiveness of my sins.Glory be to God!!I have NEVER been so happy in all my life as I am now.I crave and yearn for more understanding and knowledge every day to live my life the way He wants me to.Also,the night after I received Christ again,I had a dream in which I was told "Don't worry about it Janice,I will take care of you".I know who came to me in that dream!!!!Hallelujah.

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