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Ken van Zyl

Born-again Baptist sibce 1965


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Who will the saved rule over?

The apostle Paul tells us we will judge the world and angels (1 Corinthians...

Revelation 20:12

12 And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God, and books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the books.

Comment 1 Answer 1 Vote Asked August 01 2016


Did Lazarus or the dead maid experience existence in their dead state?

Did Lazarus know anything whilst he was 4 days dead? Where were their souls...

Matthew 9:18

18 ויהי הוא מדבר אליהם את אלה והנה אחד השרים בא וישתחו לו ויאמר עתה זה מתה בתי בא נא ושים את ידך עליה ותחיה׃

Comment 1 Answer Asked June 24 2016


Why did Joseph shave before standing before Pharaoh when it was Jewish practice to keep a beard?

'Then Pharaoh sent and called Joseph, and they brought him hastily out of the...

Genesis 41:14

14 וישלח פרעה ויקרא את יוסף ויריצהו מן הבור ויגלח ויחלף שמלתיו ויבא אל פרעה׃

Comment 1 Answer 4 Votes Asked June 21 2016


What were the burial practices observed by the Early Church?

Did the early Christians bury their dead immediately as they did with Ananias...

Acts 5:5 - 10

5 וכשמע חנניה את הדברים האלה נפל ארצה ויגוע ותהי יראה גדולה על כל השמעים׃ 6 ויקומו הצעירים ויאספו אתו וישאהו החוצה ויקברהו׃

Comment 1 Answer 1 Vote Asked June 20 2016


How should Christians react to Mormons that are firm in their belief?

You could say something along these lines... Would you be willing to renounce...

1 Comments 2 More Answers 4 Votes Asked June 09 2016


When the laws of mankind conflict with the laws of God, must we obey God over man?

Also, Rom 13:1-2. How do we reconcile obeying authorities with obeying God?

Acts 5:29

29 ויען פטרוס והשליחים ויאמרו הלא עלינו להקשיב בקול אלהים מהקשיב בקול בני אדם׃

Comment 3 Answers 1 Vote Asked May 03 2016


Did Satan “create” evil?

I understand how evil entered creation via the fall, but it seems to me that...

Comment 2 Answers Asked May 02 2016


Who is the harlot mentioned in Revelation 17?

Revelation 17 and Revelation 18 describe a coming one-world religious system...

Revelation 17:1 - 6

1 ויבא אחד מן שבעה המלאכים הנשאים שבע הקערות וידבר אלי לאמר בא ואראך את משפט הזונה הגדולה הישבת על מים רבים׃ 2 אשר זנו אתה מלכי האדמה וישכרו שכני תבל מיין תזנותה׃

Comment 3 Answers 1 Vote Asked April 30 2016


How does suffering produce spiritual growth?

 Suffering is a struggle. It’s going to be a battle all the way, but how does...

James 1:3 - 4

3 בדעתכם כי בחן אמונתכם מביא לידי סבלנות׃ 4 והסבלנות שלמה תהיה בפעלה להיותכם שלמים ותמימים ולא תחסרו כל דבר׃

Comment 3 Answers 1 Vote Asked April 29 2016


Do parents of raped daughters have the right to abort the fetus?

Legally and scripturally, do parents have the right to abort their daughter's...

Comment 6 Answers Asked April 27 2016


Is baptism necessary for salvation?

#Let me make this statement: Those who hold to baptismal regeneration would...

Comment 15 More Answers 2 Votes Asked April 26 2016



Who was Brigham Young? Were his teachings Biblical?

Some Brigham Young quotes: *“your own blood must atone for some sins.”...

Comment 3 Votes Asked June 09 2015