Mike Copeman
Retired company director and paster of a pentecostal church in the English Midlands.
I came to the Lord in 1968. A friend at school talked to me about Bible prophesy, which was interesting. His family welcomed me and talked to me about their beliefs. They constantly asked me to go to one of their services but it just did not interest me, I didn't even believe there was a God. Eventually, I decided to go, I thought if I could say I had been and they would stop asking me.
Jesus revealed Himself to me that night. It was a remarkable experience: I felt as though I was on fire! I was aware of this tremendous love, it was happening to me but it was as if I was an observer. The change was instant. I was nervous of what my work colleagues would say but I did not need to say anything - they came and asked me what had happened. One man actually asked me if I had 'gone religious'.
The Lord has led me into a closer relationship with Him and has used me in Holy Spirit ministry. His key theme in me is holiness and I have seen the hand of God in healing and deliverance ministry. I stand amazed in the Presence of Jesus the Nazarene!!