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dee scott

Divine Mercy Apostle
I am a devout Catholic and read scripture daily. I love Jesus and know that he died and was resurrected so that you and I could never die and spend our afterlife in heaven. He has erected a mansion for us all if we care to live in it.
If you aren't familiar with Divine Mercy try googling it and see how Jesus gave us a new way to enter heaven and be forgiven.

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What is the purpose of tithing?

In my opinion, I feel that tithing replaces the Old Testament sacrifices of...

Comment 4 More Answers Asked February 17 2018


Why should we read the Bible / study the Bible?

In my opinion it is important to read the Bible daily. I am a Catholic and...

Comment 12 More Answers Asked January 08 2018


How can I trust God when I am facing unemployment, foreclosure, or bankruptcy?

As above, everything we have is a gift from GOD. I was in your shoes (due to...

Comment 5 More Answers Asked December 21 2017


Why do church leaders anoint people with oil?

I believe that the anointing with oil ties in with putting oil on Jesus feet...

Comment 3 More Answers Asked December 14 2017