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Should I keep a pregnancy out of infidelity?

Dear Anonymous: I hope that you have confessed your infidelity to your...

Comment 2 More Answers 4 Votes Asked January 12 2024


Should prayer always end, " Jesus Name"?

Robert: I do not believe that it matters whether we say, "in Jesus' name" at...

Comment 3 More Answers 2 Votes Asked January 12 2024


Is heaven permanent?

In short the answer to your question is yes! Revelation 21:1-4 is speaking...

2 Comments 1 More Answer 3 Votes Asked January 12 2024


What would happen to my soul and spirit if I were to be put into a state of suspended animation (frozen)?

I would like to say that this belief is a fallacy, and a deception of the...

1 Comments 2 Votes Asked January 03 2024


What is baptism for the dead?

In context of scripture, I believe that the Apostle Paul was addressing the...

Comment 5 More Answers 2 Votes Asked November 19 2023


Why mention God's Spirit here (Zechariah 4:6)?

Zerubbabel the governor of Judah was given the task of rebuilding the Temple...

Comment 1 More Answer 2 Votes Asked October 14 2023


Why is waiting on God so difficult?

Jesus, in the Garden of Gethsemane, told His disciples, "Watch and pray, that...

Comment 4 More Answers 2 Votes Asked September 03 2023


Did Satan exist before or after Jesus?

Jesus, who is the Creator of all things, existed before the devil. Genesis...

Comment 2 More Answers 2 Votes Asked September 01 2023


How do I follow Christ when I have no life?

Dear Anonymous: It sounds like you are in a place of despair, which will...

Comment 1 More Answer 1 Vote Asked August 17 2023


What should we do when a beggar asks for money?

Matthew chapter 5 is known as the sermon on the mount. Jesus began to teach...

Comment 1 More Answer 2 Votes Asked August 13 2023


How do you pray for Satanists?

Please allow me to encourage you with the truth of God's Word! Jesus said,...

Comment 1 Vote Asked July 31 2023


What is the difference between the Holy Spirit and an angel ministering to humans?

The difference between the Holy Spirit and angels is that the Holy Spirit is...

1 Comments 1 Vote Asked July 29 2023


Can someone dance secularly and still have a clean heart?

I looked up what it means to have a clean heart, and this is what I found....

Comment 2 More Answers Asked July 28 2023


What should I do now that my former fiance and mother of my child wants to get married, but she is an unbeliever?

It is apparent that you are aware of what it means to be unequally yoked with...

Comment 3 More Answers 3 Votes Asked June 25 2023