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Kielynn Drinkwater

I first began to think about God a few years ago. My biological dad discovered he had a brain tumour, and decided he wanted a divorce from my mom, who had adopted me through their marriage. It was a very difficult time for her and for me as they sadly separated. 
After some time, I cried out to God, with everything that was going on, asking God for a godly father, as well as a godly husband for my mom.  

God definitely answered that prayer. Within a few days of me praying, my mom met a godly man, who soon became my godly father, along with a whole new Christian family who are all a tremendous blessing!  

While I healed from the pain of the loss of my biological dad, I learnt about and grew closer to Christ, by seeing His provision and love in my life.  

One of the things that really opened my eyes to this truth, was the lyrics of Ellie Holcomb’s song, "You are loved.’ It told me how valuable I am to God and that He loves me not because I’m perfect but because of His grace. 

Through that I have not only come to know, but really understand and trust in the fact that Jesus has died for my sins, and conquered death. 

Through Christ, in his death on a cross and resurrection from the dead, I am alive with Him, with my sins forgiven. In Matthew 22 scripture says, “He is not God of the dead, but of the living.” All life and my life is His. 


Through Christ I have been given not only a godly earthly father, but most importantly I have a Father in Heaven, God, who hears my prayers. Another truth from scripture which the Lord made clear to me is casting all my anxieties on Him because He cares for me. We find this in the book of Psalms and it’s also quoted in 1 Peter. I have cast my anxieties on Him and He has shown His care for me. 


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What should I do about my neighbor who talks about things I am not allowed to talk and laugh about?


1 Corinthians 15:33

33 Do not be deceived: "Evil company corrupts good habits.

Comment 1 Answer 1 Vote Asked July 09 2024