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Is abuse an acceptable reason for divorce?


Clarify Share Report Asked July 01 2013 Mini Anonymous (via GotQuestions)

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Mini Tamara Estes

Jesus made it clear that to divorce except for adultery, and then remarry causes the new spouse to commit adultery. That is plain and simple.

I made the first mistake marrying a man I knew would never be a good husband and provider. I don't have space to go into it, but I never should have married him, much less have children. When the life of a drug abuser and seller became too much, I will admit I didn't do what I should have done and I made my share of mistakes, looking for a man to help me get out of it.

I did divorce and immediately remarried another drug abuser. So now, here is a Biblical sinful marriage, and a secular repeat of the first marriage. We separated but never divorced. I dated and again made more mistakes, and eventually I had enough and quit dating.

Unfortunately, #2 died of an overdose, I didn't know of it for a year or two when I hired a lawyer to annul the marriage. That makes me legally a widow, but because of the first divorce not being for adultery, I feel it would be a sin to remarry. I feel I owe Jesus my full devotion anyway, and a marriage would divert my devotions. I am at peace with this decision even though my friends think I'm mentally ill for such "Holy Roller" out of date beliefs. I will face Jesus one day to give account. I've done enough and I wish not to have to add anything else.

Just my opinion.

October 21 2014 Report

Tmp a7afbea8 2ba3 4fe1 9f85 5afb1f2eace9229999941 Felix Itsuokor

Divorce is wrong and separation is also very wrong and sinful. I discovered that most people and Christians today do things the way the world does its own things. Christians do not want to follow what the Bible says concerning some very important issues, but most Christians would prefer to please men and the world rather than God. If you must be a true believer, if you must be God’s child and if your name must be written in the book of life, then you must follow the will of God as it is written in the Bible.

What did the Bible says about divorce? Study critically what Jesus Christ said about divorce and the risk involve even when you decided to divorce because of adultery, fornication, abuse, or whatever we may call it. Matthew 5:32. When you divorce remain unmarried whether you are a man or woman, if you try it after the divorce, know it that you are committing sin against God and His holiness.

However, why not forgive and settle your differences as God commanded us. Let's imbibe the mind of Christ in us.

November 09 2015 Report

Data Danny Hickman

If you read the bible as a book of rules and regulations given to us by the Lord for the purpose of pleasing Him and simultaneously living the good life, you will always feel as if you're one bad move away from checkmate.

A person living with another person in an unhappy situation, regardless of why there is a lack of love, peace, happiness and joy, must decide if their life and the life of all involved is worth consideration.

Yes, God hates divorce. According to His word He also hates idolatry, greed, murder, rebellion, lying, envy, theft.... the list is inexhaustible. More is said about God's view on divorce than the way He views the taking of another's life.

I've never experienced divorce having been married to Faye for 42 years, but I've seen it up close and it is not pretty. It bears the resemblance of a death that won't cease and desist. It lives on, and that is why it spreads hurt the way it does.

1Cor 13 sketches a vivid image of the excellence of love in comparison to other abilities, talents and special skills.

Love is patient, kind, not jealous or arrogant, doesn't act ugly. It doesn't get enraged or keep score of wrong doing. Love doesn't celebrate injustice, but proclaims the truth. She bears, believes, hopes, and endures all things.The word says that love never fails, meaning it never weakens or comes up short of the intended plan for success. Clearly, it's in a class all by itself.

Hatred doesn't have it's on chapter in the word and for good reason; it isn't a celebrity, it's an outlaw with a price on it's head. It's days are numbered. The wolf will dwell with the lamb. The leopard will lie down with the young goat. The calf and the young lion and the fatling together. And a little child will lead them Isaiah 11:6.

A righteous reign is in the future of every believer, but until His return, we must make wise decisions for the welfare of ourselves, our families and for all of society.

A strict adherence to the scriptures that say servants are to stay in submission to their masters would have many of us still coming around to the back door.
The scriptures were never meant to be used for the purpose of regulation. That is taking the easy way out...

June 09 2016 Report

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