Does voting for a person who backs abortion or supports same sex marriage make you complicit in their sin?

If you knowingly vote for a person who promotes abortion (murder) or praises the gay movement will you be accountable for this in God's sight?

Clarify Share Report Asked September 29 2015 Open uri20150528 2487 14t3olq Lula Pitts Supporter

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Closeup Jennifer Rothnie

Great question. Unfortunately, we do not always know where a politician stands. Some even change their minds (or reveal their true beliefs) once in office.

Other times, we might have to pick between two people who both support abortion. Do we vote for the lesser of two evils, or not vote at all in these cases?

In general, while I do not think God holds us accountable for every unjust act a politician makes, I do think we have the responsibility to support and vote for good leaders if we have the opportunity. If both options are bad, then I think it is up to our own conscience whether we vote for the 'slightly better', or abstain. In the end, God is the one who controls the rise and fall of leaders.

We should still be careful how we evaluate potential leaders though. Do we prioritize pet issues over their moral character? To what degree will the position they are in actually allow them to push agendas such as abortion or gay-marriage? Does the politician love God or at least respect Him, or are they actively hostile?

September 30 2015 Report

Stringio Oun Kwon

We have no other choice than choosing the less evil one.

October 01 2015 Report

Data Danny Hickman

There's no such thing as "less evil," just as there's no such thing as "slightly pregnant." I agree with the tone of Jennifer's response. We vote for candidates for a variety of reasons. I would love to live in a world where people were only attracted to the opposite sex, and abhored the thought of ending the life of a baby in the womb of a woman. That world hasn't come down to us as yet, so we must make do with what we currently have.
If given the choice of an anti-abortion canditate who shows a hateful personality in general, against a pro choice candidate with a gentle way about them, I wouldn't hesitate with my decision. Pet political issues are used to distort the truth of the corrupt nature of political leadership.
God gave the people He chose to reveal Himself to the world through, an extensive list of laws that could no more fix their sinful nature than an asprin can cure heart disease. Did it cause them to cut back on sin? Paul says that it had the opposite affect. Sin, taking opportunity by the law, produced in me ALL MANNER OF EVIL DESIRE (Rom 7:8). A law didn't cause the people to conform before abortion and same sex marriage was lawful, and neither will a new law wash away the sins of mankind. So, cast your vote for whomever is your secular choice, and make your prayers to the Father through His Son Jesus, who can't be voted out of service.

September 28 2017 Report

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