Does God want us to fear Him?

Why does the Bible speak so often of fearing God?

Clarify (1) Share Report Asked February 18 2016 Mini Anonymous

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Mini Clay Moorer

When God says to fear Him, we have too understand His meaning of fear. I believe he isn't saying be afraid of me. What I believe is God is saying to fear him in the same way you fear your parents. As a child, you fear disappointing your parents. I believe that is what God is saying. Do not disappoint me by doing or saying things that are against His teachings and laws. Love is the emotion that underlies all dealings and feelings with the Lord. May God Bless you and shine his light on you always

February 18 2016 Report

Mini vanessa pannuti

I think to fear means to revere, to worship for a believer but at the same time it means to be in terror to a non believer, to the sinner.
I believe in the resurrection of Christ Luke 24:38-39 and in His ascension Luke 24:50-52
You can also search this website Why should I believe in the bodily resurrection of Christ and why it is important.

God therefore wants you to fear Him for your own good because the resurrection of Christ is the proof that the day of your death will be better then the day of your birth Ecclesiastes 7:1
You will receive the blessing of a prosperous eternal life in a wonderful place.
Whatever you do in this life will give you motivation because you are doing it to glorify the Name of the Lord, whatever adversity you go through will be bearable looking forward to the blessed hope at the end of this mortal life.

If you do not fear God you just face destruction in Hell because it is real.
Anything you do loses meaning, sooner or later it will perish or be forgotten as it is temporal.

Your parents cannot give you this. So because God loves you He wants you to fear Him. To avoid being destroyed. He's our Creator He certainly does not enjoy destroying His creation unless we force Him to by rejection and disbelief. You should fear and love God.

February 19 2016 Report

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