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How should Christians respond to immigrants of other religions?


Clarify Share Report Asked March 03 2016 Mini Anonymous

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Mini James Kraft

Just my opinion, but it is far harder to get someone out of religion than it is to save an ubeliever. Man is bent on finding religion whether it is true or not. Satan is working over time to deceive as many as he can. I cannot believe the heresy being taught by some that should know the truth.

Right now I feel like we would do good to keep the ones that are truly saved from the false teachers that are out there. To many read the bible under black light and do not understand scripture. We need people that have disernment and quit teaching the doctrines of men.

Do I have it all? No, but I have enough to tell the true from the false in most cases, and have the basic knowledge of the scripture thanks to my preacher father and many other good men.

The Lord brought me out of the grave 4 years ago, and began to work in my life like never before. I claim nothing but the blood of Jesus to save any one who will call on His name. I believe when Jesus nailed all of my sins to the cross and washed them away with His blood He saved me by His grace and mercy. That is the gospel that paul preached, and the only one I will accept.

Like Paul, any one who preaches another gospel should be accursed. These immigrants are going to be bringing in their own religion with them and deceive our own. I do not believe Gods elect can be deceived. But even so we need to be in the word to know the truth. As someone once said during the civil war, "Trust in the Lord, but keep your powder dry."

March 04 2016 Report

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