What does it mean "Elijah must come first and restore all things" in Matthew 17:11?


Matthew 17:11

NKJV - 11 Jesus answered and said to them, "Indeed, Elijah is coming first and will restore all things.

Clarify Share Report Asked April 04 2016 Kariuki  james  pic James Kariuki Supporter

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

1548394196 Clifton Pappion Jr

I am in total agreement with the first answer. I saw a video of the Hosea Prophecy on the AOC NETWORK that confirms why I am in agreement. God Bless

September 27 2018 Report

000mr thomas stephens

Jesus said John the Baptist was Elijah and he did come in the spirit and power of Elijah to "make smooth the way of the Lord". But, did Elijah restore anything? Not that I can see.

What must be restored before Jesus returns to earth? I suggest that the scriptures have been broken and www.1946themovie.com proves this. The bible must be restored to it's proper meaning and must no longer be used as a club to hurt people with.

Jesus is coming soon, all is fulfilled and the church has fallen to apostasy (2Thess2:3). It's because of the mistranslation of the bible that the church has been destroyed.

The Spirit of God comes to our hearts by faith in the resurrection of Jesus and trust in His word. The church tramples His word by living in anti-gay hate. This is opposite of Jesus' teachings.

I am come in the Spirit of Elijah, which is the Spirit of God. We who love Jesus and His Holy Word must fight to restore what was broken. Anti-gay & anti-choice are lies from hell that have caused the church to turn from the holy command of Jesus to "Love one another".

Nowadays the church believes hating gays and fighting against women's rights to their own bodies makes them Christian, but, it really makes them just the opposite.

1john3:23 sums up Christianity. Sadly, most of claim to be Christians are living in 1John4:20
Revelation 18:4 is calling.

December 31 2021 Report

Open uri20170217 17637 vv64vu Pamela Davis

During my study of Revelation I found out that the two witnesses could possibly be Elijah and Enoch. The reason for these choices has to do with the biblical statement that all men must die physically once, and then be judged for their deeds (or in the case of born-again Christians, who will be taken into the clouds to meet Jesus in the air, at the rapture of the saints, and will receive rewards according to their works on earth) at the White Throne Judgment.

Both Elijah and Enoch lived for a time on earth but were taken before they died, thus making them candidates for the two witnesses (Revelation 11 tells about when and where they appear on earth, which is Jerusalem after three and one half years into the seven year tribulation period).

I pray that this helps. God bless all of you who asked this question and are looking for an answer. Jesus loves you all and wants you to receive Him and be saved (see John 3:16). Blessings!

February 04 2023 Report

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