Should attention be given to one race of people over another race?

For example, the 'Black lives matter' movement?

Clarify Share Report Asked July 12 2016 1600644982.666929 Paul Bourg Supporter

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Closeup Jennifer Rothnie

There is only one race (human), but many cultures, nations, and ethnicities. It isn't bad for a nation or culture to have a healthy sense of group-identity formed around their culture and values - the Jews, for example, have an extremely close-knit religious, cultural, and ethnic identity. However, it's unhealthy for any group to get into an 'us vs. them' mentality or start viewing their own group as superior. The NAZI's are one famous example of a group elevating their own 'ideals' of perfection in culture and ethnicity over others, using it to excuse all manner of atrocities.

In day to day life, we might find ourselves particularly noticing or supporting an oppressed group or having to choose between groups dealing with the aftermath of a tragedy.The republican party being founded to stop slavery, for example, or groups going to Haiti or Nepal to aid in disaster relief. This is normal and good, as it promotes justice and generosity, and an awareness of the needs of others.

Unfortunately, sometimes society starts upholding a 'cause' or specific group not in a way that promotes justice and generosity, but in a way that actually leads to injustice and crime. Facts are traded for feuds, understanding traded for judgement by skin-color alone. All lives do matter - of any ethnicity, of any age, of any religion. It is wrong to elevate some at the expense of the rights of others or to judge on the amount of melanin in one's skin vs. action and character.

July 12 2016 Report

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