Is faith/confessing Christ a one time act that leads to salvation?

Is receiving salvation by faith a one-time act that happens only at the moment one places his faith in Christ? Are faith and salvation only one time, past happenings for a believer, or are faith and salvation continual processes and realities looking forward to the culmination of salvation at the judgement?

Romans 10:9 - 13

ESV - 9 Because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved.

Clarify Share Report Asked July 24 2016 Image Thomas K M Supporter

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Mini Chris McCollum

This is a question that the Bible appears to give contradicting statements, but Jesus made it clear in John 3:3 that a person must be "Born Again" in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. So, yes salvation must be an precise moment in time that this happens, because at this moment you die to the old you and God makes you a new person because you receive God's Spirit so that you now have a personal relationship with the Father.
I personally believe that Jesus is the "Only Way" to receive "The Gift" of salvation, therefore if I can do nothing to get this gift then I can do nothing to keep it. My response to my "walk with the Lord" is out of love for Him and not out of my works to keep it intact.

July 31 2016 Report

Andy  3 photo Andy Mangus

My comment is one of compliment and recognition given to Chris for your excellent analysis of salvation being The Gift that is given by Jesus! So many people don't seem to grasp this eternal event in EVERY! Christian's life! We each can do nothing to (deserve) or "get this gift then I (we) can do nothing to keep it !!! You are so correct in that our "walk with the Lord" is out of (deep and abiding love) love for Him (and NOT out of my works) to keep it intact". **As scripture tells us... "lest any should boast"** A most excellent discussion comment!

April 06 2017 Report

Mini James Kraft

Amen Andy and Chris. Salvation is a one time act when we received the free gift of salvation by faith alone. Romans 4:5 Ephesians 2:8-9 It is by grace we are saved. Titus 3:5 Not by anything we do or will do. Our works. It is all by grace. Galatians 1:8-9. Paul said any one who adds works to grace will be accursed. He said it twice.

If we have to persevere in the faith to stay saved, then we are trusting in our work of persevering to save us and not on the finished work of Christ alone. Then the burden of our salvation is on us instead of Him who saved us by grace. We either believe it and have eternal life, or we do not believe it and trust in our works to save us.

When we accept the free gift we receive the righteousness of God through the Holy Spirit of promise, all of our sins are paid for, and we have eternal life all free when we accepted it. John 6:37-40

Jesus paid our way.

April 19 2017 Report

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