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To me, the three traits that should most characterize a disciple of Christ are faith, love, and obedience. By faith in Christ, we receive salvation. Faith comes first, because it puts us in a right relationship with God (which our works alone cannot do), and prepares us to follow and obey Him. Faith also allows us to remain disciples in the face of difficulties or trials. In gratitude to God for that salvation, we then reflect the love and mercy that He has shown to us in our dealings with others. Such love fulfills the two greatest commandments of the Law (Matthew 22:34-40), as well as the new commandment that Jesus gave to his disciples to love one another as He had loved them. (Indeed, Jesus said that it would be by Christians showing such love that people would know that those Christians were His disciples (John 13:34-35).) Finally, and also because of our love and gratitude to God for the salvation that He has already granted (rather than as a means of "earning" salvation), we obey His commandments, as well as Jesus' instruction to take up our cross and follow Him (which Jesus made a condition of being His disciple)(Matthew 16:24), enduring whatever earthly opposition or hardship that action might produce. (Jesus also referred to this test of discipleship when He asked the apostles, "Why do you call me 'Lord, Lord', and then not do what I tell you?" (Luke 6:46))
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