How do I know that Christianity is the true religion?


John 14:6

ESV - 6 Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

Clarify Share Report Asked February 01 2017 Image Andy McGrady Supporter

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Mini Jason Dyck

Several years ago I began a protocol together with my wife that went against the world's protocol to help her with her depression. The world's ways were keeping her depressed and suicidal.

Then someone introduced us to another way, literally God's way using a design for which He, God, had designed and destined a company for spiritual warfare.

You may wonder if this adheres to the question or not. I assure you it does.

After several years and after my wife did return to normal, and both still using those products that had done so much for us, I realized that the basis for recognizing the veracity of the company and its products was akin to how I knew, within my own heart, that Christ's message was, in actual fact, the real and actual truth.

Usually there are two sides to any issue. With regards to the products we use, there was the pharmaceutical side and the nutritional side. Then here comes something that is actually God's design, and a new part of the design. God put the right people in place to make this work and the products actually became patented - over 125 to date. With this new message or newly emerging and burgeoning scientific field, it threatened both the pharmaceutical and the nutritional supplement industry. The threat was so great that both sides of the original issue tried to take out this little upstart company with God's design implanted in it and in its main product.

Because the message was new and that it threatened both sides, not being for one side or the other which would have proven to be biased and hence uncertain about its veracity, and since both worked at trying to eliminate the threat and to usurp and use the science and its technology for their own gain or to suppress it in order to keep people in bondage, and the fact that it could not be eliminated is how I know it is the "real deal".

Likewise, Jesus' message back in His day, roughly 2000 or so years ago, threatened the status quo in the land both for the Romans, or Gentiles, and for the Jews, and in particular for the ruling class, the Pharisees and Sanhedrin. Had Jesus' message been seen to be favorable to one side or another, it would have been seen as being biased. There would have been a conflict of interest.

So, because it supported neither one, both were threatened, and in the end, both worked together to try to eradicate Jesus, obviously with no such luck other than for those couple of days.

Because of that joining of opposing forces to attempt to restore their cold war situation because that was what they were familiar with and had come to terms with, the Jewish leaders didn't want to lose their power; and the Romans didn't want a usurper raising the country and incite a rebellion, so they worked together.

That's how I know that Christ's message is real.

When two or more sides of an issue are all threatened by a new message and that threat is seen as being something they all absolutely have to deal with or to lose themselves so that they band together to try to eliminate what they see as the intruder, then the intruder's new threatening message is the right and true message and option.

February 03 2017 Report

Mini Michael Dunne

Christianity is not a religion, it's a covenant. Sealed with the blood of Jesus Christ.

June 30 2017 Report

Mini Vernon Justus

Christianity cannot be proved. It is of faith as is any belief. If I could prove that the Bible and all it teaches is true beyond any doubt, you would be a fool not to put your faith in the God of the Bible. But, if someone could prove just as conclusively that another faith is truer then I would be a fool not to put my faith in it. That is the danger of trying to prove your belief(s). Someone may be a better arguer than you.

I have always thought that Jesus showed the best way: Loving someone into heaven instead of scaring them out of hell.

July 01 2017 Report

Data Danny Hickman

Michael Dunne,
Christianity is a religion. Jesus didn't endorse Christianity, He is the foundation and builder, as well as the head of the Church, His body. The Church started a religion that became known as Christianity. I think it harms the Church's image to try to market the Church's beliefs as being irreligious. A religion is described as a set of beliefs. Christianity aligns with that definition. There's nothing wrong with being called a spade if you're a spade.

Vernon Justus, I agree with you, Christianity can't be proven. Christianity is a name for a set of beliefs. Those beliefs CAN be proven.
There is proof that Jesus was born of a virgin. His mother said she'd never been with a man. There's proof He was crucified. The trial was recounted in the books of the gospel writers. There's proof He was resurrected. The empty tomb, and He was seen by over five hundred witnesses after He got up. All it takes is two witnesses to be proven true (Rev 11:3, Deut 19:15). He had an extra 498 plus. The disciples told Luke that He was lifted up, and a cloud took Him out of their sight ( Acts 1:9). Again, more than two witnesses.

What's unprovable beyond doubt is whether or not He lives in any of us, like we claim. We can't prove we are speaking an unknown language when we say we're "speaking in tongues." The part that's unproven ALL has to do with something about His followers.

The heavens declare the glory of God (Pss 1:19) PROOF
Will Jesus return? We'll have to wait and see.

April 25 2020 Report

Data Danny Hickman

I need to finish; Society accepts many things that are written in "the record." People don't question whether Christopher Columbus lit out from Spain in 1492, looking for a "New World." It's common knowledge that German professor of theology Martin Luther, was ordained to the priesthood in the early 1500's. Nobody disputes that or doubts that such a person lived. And if that's too recent to prove my point, Alexander lll of Macedon (AKA the Great) an Ancient Greek king was born in 356 BC. Nobody disputes any of the history attributed to him, or anyone else of secular bygone times. It's believed because there's a record. There might be debate about the details of the record, like whether or not the person was reputable or not, but that's usually a matter of political opinion. With the bible the record itself is discounted by many as being totally fictional. WHY? Well it begins by saying the first man was formed from the dust of the ground and lived 930 years. The first woman was formed using a rib taken from the first man. And this book isn't targeted at children. The really cool part is that at some point in your life the Composer of this narrative will quicken your understanding and allow you to see the truth hidden there in the scriptures, 930 year lifespans included. How is the truth hidden? IN PLAIN SIGHT! After every Gynormous lifespan is an eye opener: AND THEN HE DIED. The truth is about the point being made, not the WAY it's made; Sin caused DEATH. (Bible 101).

April 25 2020 Report

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