What does the Bible have to say about Lesbians and Homosexuals being in leadership positions in the church?


Clarify Share Report Asked March 23 2017 Open uri20160531 6655 1agczyi Karen Nygaard Supporter

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Mikek2005 Michael Kouroupis

We first have to recognize that these pop-culture designations of 'homosexual & lesbian' are modern day vernaculars that may not easily translate well into the Greek & Hebrew ideas of the original Bible texts. It’s not to say similar terms used back then don’t equate to modern-day terms, but the Bible antagonists do have a point when they claim the terms homosexual / lesbian aren’t explicitly found in the Bible.

Even today there’s plenty to discuss as to what defines a ‘homosexual'. Is a homosexual one that indulges in such deeds, or is it characterized by merely a thought-life alone? Was he really God-ordained (aka: ‘designed that way’) and (characteristically) known as such before he was even formed in the womb? (Jeremiah 1:5a)

Now we can discuss whether a true believer in Christ can identify as something other than a ‘beloved’ in Christ Himself. Galatians 3:28 speaks of an identity in Christ superseding all other worldly designations of either Jew/Gentile, slave/free, male/female… as ‘you are all one in Christ Jesus’. While this is speaking of the grace of salvation bestowed without regard to worldly designations, it’s not lost on me that we are to know our ‘self’ and each other as a child-of-God (through Christ alone), and no other hyphenated designation (gender, or by race, or by sexual inclination).

So can a self-identified homosexual/lesbian be an ambassador to carry the true meaning of the Gospel in a leadership position? It can’t be denied that over the centuries there have been leaders that have been called by God to be church ‘overseers’ (1st Tim 3:1) even though they themselves had sin challenges in their life (‘thorns in the flesh’, 2nd Cor 12:7+), even sexual immorality ones. But what we see occurring today is a paradigm shift to ‘be inclusive’ to even those that don’t fully embrace their identity in Christ as solely and uniquely supreme in all aspects of their life.

So is it biblical that a bride-of-Christ local church assembly appoints a self-identified homosexual or lesbian to a leadership position?

We also read some of the characteristics of an ‘overseer’ (church leader) in 1st Tim 3. (Monogamy) in marriage, not double-tongued, above reproach, dignified women, a good reputation with those outside of the church, etc.

March 26 2017 Report

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