Is it wrong to ask God to show us signs?

I know I have no right to ask God to show himself to me or give me signs. I am, of course, unworthy and the Bible states that the things that are unseen are eternal. We also see David's struggle with not feeling close to God or "seeing"/"hearing" him. I am wondering if asking God to show signs or let me feel something that guides me a certain way is wrong/unbiblical.

2 Corinthians 4:18

ESV - 18 As we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.

Clarify Share Report Asked March 09 2018 Mini Elle Rose Supporter

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Mini jill stuart

I have asked GOD for a sign sometimes but only according to His will. Usually it is about something that I think the Bible neither rejects or condones. Sometimes if I am driving and a thought comes to my mind, I will asK GOD to show me a sign of some kind as a way of communicating with Him. But I always say IF IT BE THY WILL.

March 11 2018 Report

95 1 Jay Saunders

God speaks to us today by his word or through the Holy Spirit. If you have not salvation, you have not the connection with God that is needed to hear his small still voice.

But God's mercy and loving kindness endures forever, so whenever we cry out to him with humility, God hears the voice of the humble, but he ignores the voice of the proud.

His mercies are renewed every day, so when we humble ourselves, like the thief on the cross near Jesus, He will receive us. But humility and surrender preceded adoption into his family.

We are only a nanosecound from His door being opened to us. But the son is the door and God will not open it except through His only begotten son born of a virgin that was raised from the dead.

These truths must be accepted. When you're truly in the family of God, he reveals himself in numerous ways. His word is the number one way to truth and true sight.

March 12 2018 Report

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