What are the sacrifices of righteousness?


Psalms 4:5

ESV - 5 Offer right sacrifices, and put your trust in the Lord.

Clarify Share Report Asked April 11 2018 Mini Anonymous

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Mini Robert Zantay

God bless you, but I would like to correct you. Righteousness came by the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ. It is written-Not of works lest any man should boost. While your suggestions are nice, they will never affect your sonship right of righteousness. That was taken care of, once and forever by our savior.

April 20 2018 Report

Mini Tim Maas

I agree totally with you that Christians are saved entirely by the blood of Christ. There is nothing that Christians have done or can do (before or after being saved) that can contribute to their salvation. My comment about the sacrifices that Christians make was in the context of their conviction of their sin by the Holy Spirit (which is the Holy Spirit's work, but that people can resist or refuse, and that requires those whom the Holy Spirit brings to Christ to "sacrifice" their sinful pride); and also the prior sinful activities and thoughts that new Christians then "sacrifice" by avoiding them, and by consciously striving (with the Holy Spirit's help) to now conform their behavior and lifestyle to the model of Christ, which provides a visible outward witness of the salvation that God has granted to them by grace.

April 20 2018 Report

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