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Is handing out gospel tracts a good evangelism method?


Clarify Share Report Asked July 01 2013 Mini Anonymous (via GotQuestions)

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Shea S. Michael Houdmann Supporter Got Questions Ministries
Any method that results in people hearing/reading and understanding the biblical gospel is a good evangelism method. Gospel tracts are small booklets that present the gospel, usually based on a spe...

July 01 2013 3 responses Vote Up Share Report

Q jcryle001 JD Abshire Supporter
I meet quite a few people in my business but obviously can not witness to everyone. I have tried to make a practice of giving those I come in contact with a tract explaining the simple plan of salvation. My wife always puts one in our outgoing mail/bills. Granted it may not be the most effective way of evangelizing but we have been blessed many times over for our efforts. 

I will never forget a lady who was a greeter in Lowe's. As I was leaving the store I handed her one of my "saved cards" and asked if she would please read it sometime. As I paused she took a quick look and almost immediately started tearing up then asked: "How did you know I needed this?" I told her everybody needs the Lord. She pointed upward and said: "He knew". She cupped that little tract card in her hands as if it was a precious gem then thanked me and said "God bless you" several times before I was ushered out the door by other customers leaving the store. For weeks, months, every time I went into Lowe's I looked for her but never saw her again. I did not find out what that dear lady's need was but The Lord knew. I have confidence in God that he will perform in her life according to his sovereign power and purpose.

I have found these little tracts to be a great conversation opener and have met several brothers and sisters in Christ as a result. Often they have just provided a brief moment of fellowship yet in other encounters, an enduring relationship. 

I am sure all of us at times feel we say too little while in other situations think that we may have said too much. BUT, It is the Holy Spirit who operates off the Word of God, he quickens, he saves. This is his department. The Lord just asks us to share it and tell it.

Romans 10:17 "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God."

As the apostle stated in 1 Corinthians 3:6 "I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase." 

Philippians 2:13 "For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure."

April 05 2014 3 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Robert F. Westfall Supporter
The gospel tracks can be a good way to introduce the gospel to someone. However,there should be a contact on the track for the reader to use for follow up. A name, phone number or e-mail address.

April 05 2014 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Open uri20120113 17347 9mq5kn Nick Koogler Supporter
The root word of the word evangelism means "to spread the gospel." In which case it does do just that. Your question states "is it a good way" and that would directly relate to the context in which you are using it. It is not good when it replaces a more effective and/or more personal approach. We must never confuse evangelism with Christ's call to make disciples in the great commission. That should be our goal, to make disciples, but I don't want to undermine the fact that it may take many various interactions to get that ball rolling. Tracts can be one of those first contacts that God uses to reach a person where they are, but that quite simply cannot be the last or only one.

Spreading tracts can be offensive to some which should at least cause us to stop and think if we (Christians) are making a positive or negative impression. On this point I lean on God to know the hearts of those that receive it. We live in a wasteful society and this method may seem to have little impact, but picture it this way. You can spread a lot of grass seed on a parking lot but it will only grow where God provides a crack and protects it from the impure surroundings. Does that mean the grass that comes up is not worth it? 

In summary, spreading tracts is not usually the best way, but it is a way to spread the gospel. Spreading the good news of Christ is always a good thing. 

Do not confuse evangelism with discipleship. 

Always seek the most effective method of reaching people for Christ but never take for granted Gods role in how He is able to use all methods for His glory. 

I would like to echo one last point. Whenever spreading tracts be sure that the Gospel of Christ is kept pure. Some materials are misleading and that is NOT good. 

God bless you.

April 22 2014 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

1415409104 Rosalyn Windham Supporter
Here's an example of reaching people that is biblical and VERY effective although it is not longer used as intended. This method brought thousands of people at a time to Christ. Much better than a tract. Let me point out one vital thing, NO ONE, absolutely NO ONE dared to attempt to evangelize until they FIRST received the Holy Spirit. Not Jesus, not Paul, not Peter, Philip or ANY of his followers. Otherwise you could end up with an adverse reaction like this in Acts 19:13-15. 

Acts 8:5-6 When you have the Holy Spirit it's EASY to reach people. As a matter of fact you might have to beat people off with a stick if you have the good news that they had. All Philip simply did was survey the are really quickly. He didn't go where there was no great need for Jesus he went where there was an obvious GREAT need. Romans 5:20 The greater the Sin the greater the Grace. He looked around and saw all the people lame and blind and told himself, "This is the place" set-up shop, yelled, "The Kingdom of God is at hand!" and started healing folks. 

There's nothing that get's people attention better than solving a problem or taking care of a need. What he had was better than tracts. He had the power of the Holy Spirit. People got saved THAT DAY! Every time a Holy Spirit filled disciple reached people or a person something happened. There was POWER. People got saved immediately. There was no chipping away with tracts, hoping people would read, not knowing if you impacted that person in any way. With the power of the Holy Spirit you SEE the fruits of your labor!

Mark 16:17 If you got what you need to serve The Lord. Put those tracts down and go do some GOOD. (smile) God bless

June 26 2014 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Stringio Gary Patton Supporter People Development Coach to Christians
Before handing a "Gospel Tract", even politely and non-aggressively, to another even one whom you might know, or sharing Jesus in ANY other way, 1 Peter 3:15-17 seems to suggest a different and, possibly preferred, evangelism approach. 

One thing however is absolutely clear! Jesus commands every one of His Followers to share His "Good News". He does so in His last recorded words on earth in Matthew 28:18-20.

Please note that above, I used the expression "possibly preferred", evangelism approach. I do so because Jesus' Apostles and First Followers had no choice but to use an oral, one-on-one style to share the "Good News" which Holy Spirit had implanted in them at their salvation (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). 

Our spiritual ancestors had limited "Good News"-sharing options because they did not have the great variety of communication tools that we have available, i.e., tracts, books, audio tapes, TV, the World-wide Web and more. 

Each of us, however, still must make Spirit-led decisions re WHICH, and most importantly, WHEN to use the variety of sharing tools we modern Jesus Followers have at our disposal. 

Irrespective of all the different kinds of arrows in our "evangelism quiver", 1 Peter 3:15-17 says clearly to me to first build a "bridge of trust", after prayerfully watching for and identifying one in whom Holy Spirit seems to be moving. This is the Biblically-preferred method of spreading "Jesus Good News" effectively and successfully regardless of which tool one uses because it AlWAYS applies. 

Because evangelism is a process …not an event… I suggest carefully-watchful praying, plus waiting to be asked always applies regardless of how we follow through, later!

Holy Spirit models this, His ideal witnessing method, for us in His story regarding Stephen and the Ethiopian Eunuch, in Acts 8:28-31. 

Blessings all!

June 10 2014 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Image Anita Kadamandla Supporter
Handing Gospel Tracts is a smart way to sow the Seed. 
But, if we are more interested in Sharing Jesus, an Outreach NT Bible with at least a few NOTES is the Best.
Starting with the Book of John seems to be working good.

November 03 2013 1 response Vote Up Share Report

Data Tony Flores Supporter Tony Flores a servant of Jesus Christ
The Holy Spirit will teach you all things of the Truth, the Way and the Life. Not all Tracts are appropriate to hand out to specific people. Infact some tracts are not appropriste at all. You have tp pray and listen to the Holy Spirit in all your evangelism. 

Still, all methods taught by the Bible are effective in evangelism. Jesus sent His Disciples in two, He preached with His Disciples in support, He preformed miracles, He taught with authority and His way of living was an example. You have many avenues to evangelize.

Tracks is just the tip of the ice burg to carry God's message. I feel that one on one way of teaching the Word with follow ups, is very effective. You have to stop, listen and let the Holy Spirit guide you to each individual.

Billy Graham and other evangelize are gifted by the Holy Spirit to speak to thousands, but others are gifted to speak to one at a time. Both methods are equal in God's eyes. The main point is to carry the word to your area, your region and to the ends of the earth. Sometimes, you don't have to speak, for the Holy Spirit will speak through you. Jesus wants all to come to Him before it is too late and His Will be done.

December 10 2014 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Internet image Ben Jones Supporter Retired Professional Photographer
I am a Gideon, a member of The Gideon's International. We are encouraged to carry one or more pocket New Testaments when we are out and about. It has the entire New Testament plus Psalms and Proverbs and inside the back flyleaf it has the gospel in a nutshell. It can be used in several ways; one, if they have time you can have them read the scriptures in the back and then question them about what they think the passages mean. Once they finish reading it they have read the five most important passages about the need to receive Christ and a sample prayer plus an admonition to seek out a gospel believing church.

Another way is to tell them (if they are in a hurry) that you have a gift for them and hand it to them telling them that the key to heaven can be found in the back flyleaf. I have only had one person in the last 15 years return it to me. Most tuck it into their pocket and (hopefully) read it later at home. I have never seen anyone throw it away.

February 16 2022 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Donald Woody Supporter Musician/Producer
No. There is not one case in the bible that documents or support this type of evangelizing. Where would the Ethiopian ennuch have been is Phillip had not spent considerable time studying with him about what he was reading in the book of Isaiah? And besides today most people only throw such bad tools away soon after they are given to them and they should.

April 04 2014 1 response Vote Up Share Report

Mini Jeffrey Smith Supporter
I am from Australia and my wife is Thai. We have a house in Northeast Thailand. I have found the Thai language extremely difficult to read and speak. I have been studying it for over 10 years now. I find an effective evangelistic tool whilst in Thailand is to have about 100 gospel tracts in Thai script in my pockets and to give them out to anyone who is interested. At least the message is getting out.

August 04 2020 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

My picture Jack Gutknecht Supporter ABC/DTS graduate, guitar music ministry Baptist church
Yes, handing out gospel tracts is a good evangelism method. I love to do it! Lately, after my bad heart attack and 2 hospitalizations, I prepared by taking along about 50 tracts. I asked God to lead me to needy individuals there at the hospitals and to help me distribute all the great gospel tracts. He did! BUT I tried to make time before I actually handed them the tract to give them at least a part of my testimony because I think that is the most effective. Try it this way. I think you'll agree.

I am a fan of alliteration so I admire a good gospel tract. To me it should tell the inquirer:

"Admit you are a sinner"
"For all have sinned" (Romans 3:23). "The wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23).
Abandon all hope of salvation by religion and/or morality
"Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us" (Titus 3:5). Salvation is "not of works, lest any man should boast" (Ephesians 2:8-9).
Acknowledge that your sins were charged to Christ
"Who His own self bore our sins in His own body on the tree" (1 Peter 2:24).
Accept Christ as your Lord and Savior
"As many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God" (John 1:12).
Tell Him you received Him now!" --Bible Tracts, Inc.'s CHARGE IT! tract

January 16 2023 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Joshua Fallaw Supporter
I grew up in church but I certainly remember rededicating my life to Christ as a teen after reading a, "This Was Your Life," tract by Jack Chick. It's so effective that even most non-Christians will remember at least seeing a tract at some point in their life. I am a big believer in tracts, but of course personally sharing the gospel, like Philip shared with the Ethiopian official, is always preferred. Tracts can give someone the gospel (which is so simple it can be said in just a few sentences) and even lead one in the sinner's prayer, but spiritual growth only comes in a discipleship community.

May 22 2024 1 response Vote Up Share Report

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