How can I overcome my addiction to prescrption pain medication? What does the bible say about addiction?

I have been addicted to pain pills for about 15 years. 6 years ago I found freedom through Jesus. I was clean for a few years and my relationship with Christ and the church was thriving. But recently I have fallen away and given in to my addiction once again. What is happening to me?

Clarify Share Report Asked July 13 2019 20190621 160651 Vicki Thomas Supporter

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Mini don SAGE Supporter
Many deliverance problems require a step of faith. Same as with you, viz., been there done that. Was addicted to Oxycontin for 14 years. I was afraid of withdrawal symptoms so kept on. Went for help in the world, (shrink) and he prescribed Suboxin which is another addictive drug. I prayed and the Spirit said, "don't take it", and I didn't. NO WIDTHDRAWLS! I have a leaning towards pain killers but when the urge comes I just pray and it leaves. That urge becomes less and less over time. Pray!

July 26 2019 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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