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Jesus said that all that came before me were robbers and prostitutes. We can see that that is true. The truth is there are no good people. Since Adam sinned we all have a sin nature and are capable of terrible sin. Talk about a dysfunctional family tree, Jesus had one. And so we still have them today.
It is only by the grace and mercy of God that we do not sin more. Oh that we loath the sin in others but do not see our own sin. But God gives more grace. Oh how we should love Jesus for what He has done.
It is our sin nature that gets us in to trouble. We are made perfect by the righteousness of the spirit that is joined to our spirit, but we still have our old nature and have sin in our members. Romans 7. No one is sinless in this life, but we will be transformed at the resurrection to have new spiritual bodies that can no longer sin as we will be like Him who justifies sinners.
That will be an amazing day!!