Does it violate religious liberty to close churches over coronavirus?


Clarify Share Report Asked March 22 2020 My picture Jack Gutknecht Supporter

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Data Danny Hickman

The churches closed their own doors. No government entity ordered churches to not meet. Common sense closed them. And if a church was ordered to close it wouldn't be a violation of any freedom. It would be a "common good" mandate that congregations, like all other organizations, would need to obey. It would have nothing to do with why the organization meets. If it's a sewing club it would be in violation if it gathered.
What I'd like to see is the coronavirus response team not meet to tell lies everyday at a press conference. One of my business associates actually repeated a few of those senseless lies to me. The virus was contained, according to Kellyanne Conway, a couple of weeks and thousands of infections ago. That is what needs to be ordered closed. Closing churches won't cause people to not take the pandemic seriously, thereby endangering the population. Lying about it for election purposes will. Goofy leadership is dangerous. There was a time when people knew better than to elect an incompetent person to high office. The person might be hate-filled, there have been plenty, but they knew a little about protocol. This is new territory we're in. God will not be mocked; whatsoever a man sows...

March 30 2020 Report

Mini Charles Harrison

I don't believe your opening sentence is true. Governors closed churches in CA and other states. Scripture says, "Forsake not the assembling of the saints." There is spiritual power in believers meeting. This is why Satan does not like churches to meet. Sick people need quarantines. Healthy people don't. People need to take preventatives for this virus--and stay well. Elites don't preach common sense preventatives, unfortunately.

October 22 2020 Report

Data Danny Hickman

I attend a church. The government didn't halt the services at the church I attend. My opening sentence is true. If you have a different experience, then okay, tell us about it. I can speak of what happened in my community. Again, we used COMMON SENSE and ceased to assemble. We began worshipping only on line. Our on line services have always been there. If you have a bad cold and don't want to infect others, or you don't feel up to getting out, you stay home and pray. You stay home and glorify the Lord.

It was nothing new for us. I understand that not everyone has the resources for such a ministry. I don't know what to say about that. But I do know what happened over here where I am. If the government where I am imposed a moratorium on meeting in person, it was long after the pastors of the ministry where I serve decided it was best for us to listen to the health professionals.

One size doesn't fit every believer. If there are believers that can't worship except at a building filled with other believers, then they can take a chance at spreading a deadly virus and meet, if the authorities allow it. IT IS ALLOWED WHERE I LIVE. We decided to wait the pandemic out, praying for a vaccine and therapeutics.

Remember this: There are believers who are part of this "representative" government who are missing their congressional brothers and sisters. "The government" is made up of believers and unbelievers. They are not all heathens.

One more thing: We elected them....

October 23 2020 Report

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