When a child dies, is he also a child in the Kingdom of God? What about an elderly person?


Clarify Share Report Asked August 02 2020 Mini Lehlohonolo Makanke Supporter

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Data Danny Hickman

Let's flip this a bit and see if we can picture the kingdom a little better. Earlier this year, a 107 year old lady passed away. Will she be the same 107 year old in the kingdom? If so, the kingdom doesn't sound too cozy. Being 107 years old is not an easy thing to deal with.

That's probably the reason human bodies are left behind and not allowed in the heavenly kingdom. That includes child bodies. Souls are redeemed, not bodies.

If souls are the same as a mind, (that's what many proclaim) then a child who passes away at two years old would need to be cared for in heaven; he or she would need something like a parent, they'd be dependent. And since aging doesn't happen there, they'd never grow out of it.

I hope this silliness I'm providing shows how true is the scripture that says we can't even fathom the afterlife. We have no idea what form of life we become when our essence departs this life.

Beloved, now we are children of God; and what we will be has not yet been made known, but we know that when Christ appears, we will be like him, for we will see him as he is (1 John 3:2).

If we're to be the same as we are now, this would have never been said. "What we will be." Not who, but what. Will we be animal, vegetable, or mineral? Neither! We can imagine those things. "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things that God has prepared for those who love him (1 Cor 2:9).

We won't know what the afterlife is like till we get there.

June 01 2023 Report

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