Is it right to expel unmarried lady who has become pregnant from the church?

If one who is not married becomes pregnant, should the church expel such a person from the body of Christ?

Ralph D’costa 

Clarify Share Report Asked October 25 2020 Mini Ralph Dcosta Supporter

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Mini Roy Thomas

An unmarried lady who becomes pregnant should NOT be expelled from church. Fornicators are sinners in need of God's forgiveness. We see evidence of the developing zygote bulging through the abdomen of the woman but the hidden tool of the spermatozoan depositor is about scarcely ever seen by the public.

Jesus did not rush to put away the woman "caught in the act" while the man, just as guilty, "ran away". The event should be used as a great teaching moment for others in the congregation who might be quietly fornicating and have not yet been caught. Sin finds out people. Num 32:23. If we continue to expel sinners with big bellies we shall have only flat belly sinners whose sins we do not see.

We must join the chorus: Call sinners to repentance. Do not drive them away. They need help from God in Christ and he commands us to unceasingly preach the word, in season and out of season. Build the audience. Give them the word. God the holy spirit will convict. He is better at it than any one of us.

November 01 2020 Report

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