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What is Passion Week?


Clarify Share Report Asked July 01 2013 Mini Anonymous (via GotQuestions)

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Data Doreen Lovell

I do agree with Michael's first and second paragraph. However; the third paragraph needs further explanations. Yes Yeshua was crucified on the day prior to the Shabbat, but it was not the Saturday Shabbat; if it were so then the Words As Jonah was in the belly of the whale for three days and three nights so the Son of an will be in the bowels of earth. In Judaism there are sometimes two Shabbats in one week, on this occasion there was the Passover on Thursday and the regular Shabbat on Friday.

Wednesday would be the preparation day for the Passover Shabbat and it was on that eve that Yeshua was crucified as the spotless passover lamb rather than the killing of the regular spotless Passover lamb.

If we do the maths---there is Wednesday night to Friday night (three nights). night. Friday being a preparation day for the Saturday Shabbat, they could not have gone to the tomb until after the Saturday Shabbat ----(Sunday)---Thursday to Saturday --three days. PLEASE NOTE WE HAVE TO CALCULATE USING BIBLE TIMES; THE NIGHT COMES BEFORE THE DAY (SEE GENESIS 1). Yeshua rose Sunday morning which is Saturday afternoon after sun down according to Bible times.'

Using the Roman times like we do presently to say Yeshua died on Friday afternoon and rose on Sunday morning gives us two nights and one days and would be saying the word of the Bible is incorrect.

I totally agree with the last paragraph

May 03 2014 Report

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