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Can God give visions to people today? Yes! Does God give visions to people today? Possibly. Should we expect visions to be an ordinary occurrence? No. As recorded in the Bible, God spoke to people ...
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Most assuredly, a Jesus Follower will never receive from their gaceful and loving heavenly Father anything for which s(he) does not have faith as Holy Spirit clearly states in Matthew 6:33-34 and Hebrews 11:1-6! Blessings all!
Yes. Dreams and visions are very much part of today's Christians walk. My wife and I both have dreams and visions almost weekly. The Bible says God will pour out his spirit on all flesh in the last days and the last days started at Pentecost. So I highly recommend people to embrace the gift(s) God has given to them. There are 9 gifts of the Spirit and are very much part of today. God Bless
Absolutely, YES HE DOES; every time we read the Holy Bible, God gives us vision, since God is I AM WHO I AM (Exodus 3: 14), the LORD our God, who is not limited by time and space and the words God has spoken to us is Spirit (John 6: 63-66). As Solomon said: " What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. " (Ecclesiastes 1: 9-11), and so are in all kind of aspects of human life on this world today; ideology, politically, economics and sociologically. For the believers and followers of Jesus Christ; it does not matter what kind of situation or development we are living in, we keep on relying on the Word of God as Psalm 119: 105 said:" Your words is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path " Isn't this word of God also a vision for today?
The answer to, "Does God give visions and dreams today?" is found in Job 33:14-33, spoken by Elihu. God did not rebuke Elihu, it was Job's other 3 friends who were rebuked by God. He does speak to people in dreams (as He did ME!), and we are commanded in 1 Thess. 5:19-21 NOT to quench the Spirit, NOT to despise prophecies, but to examine them.
My belief is that, "Yes!" God speaks to each believer in Jesus according to our faith in what He can do in our lives. Bible-loving believers who do not have faith that that God can speak to them in some way will not exercise their faith that God is speaking to them individually. Len Thies
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