What is the Latter Rain Movement?


Clarify Share Report Asked July 01 2013 Mini Anonymous (via GotQuestions)

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Woman in rollers Penny G. Vera

Wow this is interesting to me. I have been to many churches to find the right one. I keep finding churches that are affiliated with the assembly of God. They are cool during the morning and afternoon services, but the night service is a bit mystical. Communion is done in secret at one church, lights off, emotions stired, encouragement to speak what ever God is telling you. Crying, opening up yourself to whatever comes your way. It just seamed wrong. So went to another church, asked many questions, took their classes to understand there teachings. Thought it was all good. But now they are bringing in some charismatic stuff.
Went to another for many years, but Pastor left and the new Pastor declaired the church full fledged Charismatic. They ever have people telling your future, not that is all wrong. I just can't seam to find a proper church me and my 6 grandkids can attend, that teaches the Bible. So I am home Bible schooling them. The word of God is truth.

Penny Vera

April 21 2014 Report

Mini Larry Truelove

Vera, I have a problem with churches pronouncing personal individual instructions from God. Other than certain chosen individuals, I don't see any criteria for the rest of us in this NT era. Therefore, I avoid those churches.

September 28 2014 Report

Woman in rollers Penny G. Vera

Hi Larry,
I believe that is in I Cor. chapter 14, where it speaks about Tongues and Propecy.

September 29 2014 Report

Mini Larry Truelove

Vera: I know about 1 Cor 14. But if it's still valid, why do they all disagree about doctrine? And why do their so-called prophecies fail to happen? Maybe it's because they didn't get them from God.

You, yourself acknowledge the problems that are so common you cannot even find a church.

September 29 2014 Report

Woman in rollers Penny G. Vera

Larry, have you ever been in a situation when someone said something to you in a conversation and you took it the wrong way? When you ask them, "Is this what you're trying to tell me, for clarification?" and it's not what you thought? Well, I think many many people take things the wrong way, or do not explain in a way each of us can understand.

I have been reading about whether or not we should be observing the Sabbath or not on eBible. Have you read that one? So many answers and remarks. Why is it we read the same Bible and get so many different interpretations?

Yes it is the 4th commandment, I read it. No I did not read any place in the Bible that it stopped being the 4th commandment. But so what should we do about it? All the other Pastors, ministers, preachers etc... have read it also, yet we worship on Sunday all over the U.S.A.

I don't know if God is mad about that or not. But I do read that isn't. What gets me saved? It is By Grace (God's Unmerited Favor). Still, because He favors me, I want to please Him. God has all the answers, not me. I trust in Him and what His word tells me, and If the Holy Spirit's job is to teach me, well then, that's great and I don't have a debate about it.

September 29 2014 Report

Mini Larry Truelove

I don't keep the Saturday-Sabbath because it was something done under the Mosaic law, but addressed in Romans 12, specifically verse 5. Hebrews 8:13 tells us the old covenant gave way to the new.

Under the new covenant, we do not keep special days of any kind.

If there is no debating, then why does the Bible speak of "sound doctrine?"
2 Tim 4:3. It would seem as if there is no such thing as "false teachers" but not all things taught are sound, clearly...

September 30 2014 Report

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