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This short question is among the most profound questions ever asked. And no human would ever be able to answer it sufficiently. One thing is certain, however. God does not love us because we are lo...
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Before answering this question, we need to define the meaning of love in the relation of God and man as the Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary says: "Strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties". Since man was created as an image of God, then man has had a kind of relationship with God as manifested in human kinship of Father and Son (Matthew 6: 9; John 1: 12-13). It is a kind of relationship reflected in The Parable of the Lost Son (Luke 15: 11-31) and in Jesus Christ (John 3: 16-21).
God is love and we are His creation. I also believe it's because we do not know how to love ourselves the proper way God intended; The way God loves us. So, in a sense, He gave us Jesus, not only to save us, but also to teach us how to love like He loves. Unfortunately, we have not learned how to love like Jesus loves. This is a hard thing to do, yet so simple. The cares of the world have blinded and hardened the hearts of people to keep people in bondage, so love has a hard time surfacing to be even noticed. I'm so thankful we have a loving Father that sent His son, who gave us a Comforter (the Holy Spirit) to teach us all things. Where would we be without love? How lonely. I was there before I met Jesus. I was in abusive relationships, and I was desperate. I finally found God's love in a church one day when I was in my 40's. God got a hold of me and wouldn't let me go. It broke me, in a very good way. When you hear someone say "Let go and let God", it would do you well to pay attention to those words very closely. It's not just a catch phrase. Be blessed.
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