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Can a man who is married to a divorced woman serve in church leadership?


Clarify Share Report Asked July 01 2013 Mini Anonymous (via GotQuestions)

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Mini Terry Galloway

I have extensively studied the subject of unbiblical divorce and particularly Matthew 5:32. For God's will in my life, He did not allow me to divorce my adulterous husband. When my husband refused to repent all the while claiming to be a Christian (and a deacon in the church) my children implemented 1 Corinthians 5. I asked the church to proceed with church discipline but they are not a good, biblical church and they refused. Then they supported him divorcing me, the faithful wife of 26 years. Jesus says that is more adultery. Plus Paul wrote that husbands should not divorce their wives.

So now, as a Christian, I have to deal with "the man who marries the divorced woman commits adultery". I have not had a single Bible believing man even ask for a date. I would have to say no anyway since I would not want to presumptuously sin. Is it fair? God wants me holy not happy. And I have great joy that He has kept me set apart and blameless to obey His will for my life.

In Romans 7 it says that a woman is married as long as he is alive. In 1 Cor 6 (I think) it says the command from the Lord is to remain single or else be reconciled. I live in freedom from regret of willful disobedience. I still have lots of things to repent of and having to choose to forgive every single day, but He is faithful to forgive me and to cleanse me from all unrighteousness.

Proverbs 3:5-6 says it all but in my case particularly the world would have said to divorce him when God said no.

February 08 2014 Report

Mini frances Keene

I have just one thought on this. If a divorced man remarries, and he is a Pastor of a church, he should think about his heading up a church.

There are many Pastors in this position today. "Should they be Pastors?" Who am I to judge?

If God called them, He will forgive them. He forgave David, and allowed David to be a great King.

August 25 2017 Report

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