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There are two instances in the New Testament when Jesus told someone to "sin no more," and they were each under very different circumstances. The first is when Jesus healed an invalid by the Pool o...
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Every authentically born-again Believer in Jesus as Savior has been forgiven of every sin, past, present and future. We are sinless in the eyes of God. When we disregard that we drift into sinful behavior. That does not mean that we are once again classified as sinners. We drift into sin, but our status remains unchanged: the Righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. When He looks at you He sees not what you used to be (a sinner), He sees the sacrifice of Jesus. Jesus paid it all. He cancelled our sin-debt, We walk in newness of life. Check out 1 John 1:9 for those moments when you are tempted to engage in sinful words or behavior, some sort of sinful act, then thank Him that you stand forgiven, forever. If you give way to that sinful temptation, cry out to Him, quoting 1 John 1:9. He will be faithful and just to cleanse you from all unrighteousness. He'll keep the record squeaky clean.
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