What is the whore of Babylon / mystery Babylon?


Clarify Share Report Asked July 01 2013 Mini Anonymous (via GotQuestions)

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Eced7a1f c81d 42f4 95ea 9d5719dce241 Singapore Moses Supporter Messenger of God, CEO in IT industry, Astronaut, Scientist
I would like to give you an in-depth insights on Mystery Babylon.

►Thirteen proofs the whore is a religious system:

1. Playing the whore in symbolic language always refers to religious fornication and idolatry (Rev. 17: 1- 4 Isa. 23: 17; 57: 3- 7 Jer. 3: 2- 9 Ezek. 16: 1- 63 20: 30- 32 23: 7- 49 Hos. 4: 12- 19 Nah. 3: 4; literal fornication must also be understood in some of these). 

2⃣ Her causing the many nations to commit fornication with her proves that idolatrous religious practices are being referred to, as in passages above. 

3. She is not a political power for she is not classed as one with "the kings of the earth." She only causes the kings and inhabitants of the earth to be drunk with the wine of her fornication (Rev. 17:2, 4). Since fornication here refers to religious harlotry then her influence over the nations is through religion. 

4.The beast which the woman rides is the 8th kingdom, made up of the many waters or peoples inside the old Roman Empire territory (Rev. 17:1, 3, 11, 15). Since the beast itself is the kingdom, the woman must be religion dominating the kingdom until she is destroyed by it (Rev. 17:12- 17). 

5. The attire of the great whore identifies her as a religious system or as a whore committing spiritual fornication, duping political powers by her whoredoms and idolatries (Rev. 17:4). The purple, scarlet, precious stones, pearls, and golden vessels indicate the wealth of the system (cp. Ezek. 23:40- 41). 

6. The golden cup in her hand, full of her uncleanness, spiritual fornication and abominations by which she dupes political powers, proves her to be a religious power (cp. Ezek. 23:29- 31). 

7. Her name, "MYSTERY BABYLON," indicates that she is not literal Babylon. The word "mystery" identifies her with the religious rites and mysteries of ancient Babylon.

8. The name, "MOTHER OF HARLOTS," identifies the whore as a religious system (Rev. 17:5). The harlots refer to many branches which have sprung from her and have become as apostate as the great whore herself. She is a symbol of apostate religions being linked together after the rapture of the church to dominate the 10 kings of the Revised Roman Empire until Antichrist comes to full power over the 10 kingdoms by the middle of Daniel's 70th week (Rev. 17:1, 3, 9- 17). 

9. The name, "MOTHER OF ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH," identifies her to be a religious system fostering and tolerating all the abominations that go with idolatry and spiritual fornication.

10. No doubt that she is a religious institution. Only religion has killed the martyrs of Jesus in all ages.

11. The hatred and destruction of the great whore by 10 kings inside the Roman Empire territory prove her to be a religious system dominating them until they tire of her and give their power to the Antichrist. They turn on the great whore and destroy her so that the Antichrist might establish beast worship the last 3 1/2 years (Rev. 17:12- 17). 

12. The woman sits on the beast itself, not on the heads and horns in succession (Rev. 17:1, 3, 7, 15). The 7 heads and 10 horns on the beast are a part of him and this is the only sense in which she rides the heads (Rev. 17:9). Since the beast is the 8th world empire (Rev. 17:11), it is clear that she is something separate from the empire, and only rides or dominates the peoples of that empire. What could she be other than religion? 

13. The angelic explanation of the great whore proves her to be a religious system reigning over kings spiritually. The Greek reads, "And the woman whom thou sawest is the city the great, which has a kingdom over the kings of the earth" (Rev. 17:18).

We must recognize in the symbol two things:a great religious system (BABYLON)and a great city (JERUSALEM)

October 19 2015 2 responses Vote Up Share Report

Shea S. Michael Houdmann Supporter Got Questions Ministries
Revelation 17:1-2 tells us, "Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and talked with me, saying to me, "Come, I will show you the judgment of the great harlot who sits on many wat...

July 01 2013 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Larry Truelove Supporter
I believe the "Whore of Babylon" was Israel/Jerusalem.

Repeatedly, in the OT, Judah/Israel/Jerusalem had been rebuked for "whoredoms" for worshiping idols, often for copying the same from the surrounding nations. In fact, the book of Hosea was written as an analogy of Israel's unfaithfulness.

One of the problems with this view is that many theologians believe Revelation was written after Jerusalem's final destruction. Not to debate it too much, I will only say many prominent theologians including Alfred Edersheim believed in a pre-70 AD date for the writing of Revelation.

And some believe they can name the seven hills of Jerusalem. A number of OT references to Israel/Jerusalem correspond to the symbolism in Revelation.

December 28 2014 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Kenneth Heck Supporter
Besides Rome, Constantinople, the capital of the Byzantium Empire, was also built on seven hills. The Byzantines considered themselves to be the successors of the Roman Empire and referred to themselves as Romans. The last vestige of the empire was destroyed by the Muslims in 1453.

Some important ideas about "Mystery Babylon:"

1) It is a great city that reigns over the kings of the earth. We can conceptualize a time in the future when nations have given up some of their sovereignty to a world organization whose headquarters is in a particular city. It is as if the United Nations has effectively evolved into a political empire. Just as the League of Nations failed, and the UN is failing, this future alliance will fail when the 10-horned beast and false prophet corrupt it.

2. Mystery Babylon is quite hostile to Christianity and kills the prophets, saints and many others. (Rev. 18:20, 24) The new religion of the false prophet and the 10-horned beast creates a great apostacy from Christianity and persecution of true Christians.

3. Mystery Babylon is supported and protected by the 7-headed beast who is also included in the empire, but revolts, destroys the city, and seizes the government. After WW III the number of females will substantially exceed the number of males (Isa 4:1), so females at the head of Mystery Babylon isn't improbable.

4. Mystery Babylon is first burned with fire by the 7-headed beast and finally succumbs to what seems to be a large asteroid striking in the sea (Rev 18:21). It is completely destroyed, and like Sodom and Gomorrah, is not to be found again (Rev. 18:21). This would exclude Jerusalem because it still exists at Christ's second coming and for a long time afterwards.

5. New York City, with the Statue of Liberty, and the UN Building, may be a precursor to the final fulfillment of this prophecy. Interestingly, there is a town called 'Babylon' on Long Island, the only one in the world with this name.

6. Regarding Rome, there are many personal prophecies that it will be destroyed in WWIII, along with other important European cities such as London and Paris. Mystery Babylon may be rising only after WWIII.

7. Just as the Jews were under the Roman Empire and fared badly, the state of Israel will be eventually under Mystery Babylon and also fare badly. The times of the Gentiles will not yet be over, but the book of Revelation contains nothing not relevant to Jewish Christians and the land of Israel.

January 25 2015 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Rob Standford Supporter
Mystery Babylon is Saudi Arabia. Before I explain why, it's important to understand who it is NOT to avoid confusion. 

It is NOT Rome - Rev. 17:3 says John saw mystery Babylon in the wilderness or DESERT. Rome is not in the desert. V. 9 says the 7 heads are 7 MOUNTAINS. Rome was made on 7 hills. Rev. 18:19 says people at a distance will throw dust on their heads. This is a middle eastern custom, suggesting the whore of Babylon will be a Middle Eastern city! Finally, Rev. 18 says the whore will be destroyed in a short time. Rome was destroyed after many years. There's no way it can be Rome. 

It is NOT a European nation - Many try to identify the whore with a European nation. It can't be a European nation for the same reasons it can't be Rome and because it doesn't fit the geographical context of the Scriptures. The Scriptures are all focused on Israel. It lists nations that affect Israel such as Babylon, Persia, Egypt, Assyria, etc. Thus, the whore must come from the Middle East.

It IS NOT false religion - Others try to interpret the whore as false religion. This fails because when you read Rev. 17-18, it's clearly describing a literal city. There's nothing to suggest it's only a metaphor. Rev. 17:16 says the beast will hate and destroy the whore. If the whore is false religion, why would the beast destroy it if they're on the same side? It doesn't make sense. When you interpret mystery Babylon as a literal city, it fits perfectly.

Why is Saudi Arabia Mystery Babylon? Mainly for 2 reasons. 

1. It matches the geography - Mecca sits in the center of 7 mountains and is in the desert! 

2. It's the mother of all whores - In the Scriptures, prostitution is symbolic of idolatry. Islam is rooted in paganism, especially the Kaaba stone in Mecca. Muslims believe if you kiss it, your sins will be forgiven. Moreover, it's a requirement for all Muslims to visit Mecca.

If you want an in-depth study on the Whore of Babylon, visit my profile and check out my blog - Theology for mankind.

August 05 2020 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Me at sawdust fest 2b Craig Mcelheny Supporter Christian Author
Mystery Babylon is an enigma to most. From Rev. 18:2 we see that she is comprised of demons, foul spirits and everything that is unclean. (Birds are descriptive of spirit beings in the book of Revelation. They are gathered from heaven to fight against Babylon in the war of Armageddon on the earth – Rev. 19:17).

Yet, there is a material component to Babylon. Kings of the earth and merchants of the earth have grown rich on trade with Babylon (Rev. 18:3, 18:11-12). Only men could have traded in slaves as she did (Rev. 18:13). The Body of believers (the Church) lives amongst Babylon (Rev. 18:4, 18:23). In contrast to the Church in Rev. 18:23-24, it appears Babylon is comprised of musicians and craftsmen who will not be heard in Babylon anymore (Rev. 18:21-22). In case there is any doubt that Babylon consists of men, you don’t have to look any further than the identity of those against the Lord in the Marriage Supper of the Lamb – the battle of Armageddon (Rev. 19:17-18). These are Babylon.

So, who is Mystery Babylon? There is one key metaphor that you must understand before you can know who Babylon is. It is “fine linen”.

In Rev. 19:7, at the Marriage of the Lamb, we see that the Church, the Bride of Christ, has “made herself ready”. The Marriage of the Lamb is the Rapture, as opposed to Armageddon, which is the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. It is important that you make that distinction, for the Rapture and the resurrection both occur at the same time, at least two years before Armageddon (See my book, “The Rapture and the Last Seven Years). What happens at the Rapture/resurrection? The Church receives their glorified bodies. She is granted to be arrayed in “fine linen” – the righteous acts/deeds of the saints – Rev. 19:8.

The righteous acts/deeds of the saints are the “equitable deeds; by implication…decision: …justification…” – Strong’s Concordance. “Fine linen” is a metaphor for the Church’s inheritance – eternal life before the Father. It is at the First Resurrection that spiritual death is overcome by the Church. There will no longer be any separation between men and the Trinity. This is what is meant by “fine linen”.

Now, go back and look at those merchants who traded with Babylon and understand what they said. They said Babylon “WAS clothed in fine linen” – Rev. 18:15-16. You can choose to write this off as merely a list of apparel, but you would still be asking the question: “Who is Babylon?” When you understand that God’s Wrath is directed at Mystery Babylon, and it has been predestined for God’s Wrath since the Foundation of the World, then you need to look deeper than the surface.

I should say that Babylon is not without hope. It is possible that any of them can still be saved (2 Peter 3:9). They are, however, “vessels of wrath” (Rom. 9:22), and not likely to come to God. (The word ‘prepared’ is best understood as the Amplified Bible’s word, ‘ripe’, meaning they have had maximum opportunity for repentance, but in the end they are ripe for destruction.)

The Foundation of the World is a specific time when the Trinity chose those whose names would be in the Book of Life. They will inherit eternal life after being justified through faith in Jesus. Those who fail to be justified, be they Babylon or previously a saint, will find themselves in Gehenna - the Lake of Fire. Gehenna was made for Satan and his angels (Matthew 25:41).

Should you desire to know more about Mystery Babylon, please see my book, “The Foundation of the World”.

October 01 2015 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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