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The second death is mentioned on multiple occasions in the book of Revelation and is synonymous with the lake of fire. It is a "death" in that it is a separation from God, the Giver of life. It is ...
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Psalm 23:4 (NKJV) Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. From the time we are born until the day we die, we all walk through this valley. It is the Valley of the First Spiritual Death. It is life as we know it upon the face of the earth. The Bible teaches that everyone is spiritually dead the moment they are born. Those who find the truth and believe upon the name of Jesus, extricate themselves from the First Spiritual Death (John 5:24) and join the ranks of the spiritually alive. The Second Death is not named as such because it follows physical death. It is named the Second Death because it complements the First Spiritual Death, albeit it is final and infinitely more severe than the First Spiritual Death. There is weeping and gnashing of teeth in the Second Death (Matthew 13:41-42). The “fiery furnace” is the Lake of Fire, identified as the Second Death in Rev. 20:14-15. It is a place of eternal torment (Rev. 20:10) but it has no hold on those who attain to the First Resurrection (Rev. 20:6) at the end of this age. Spiritual death is defined as separation from God. All of us experience separation from God on a first hand basis until there is a spiritual awakening within. For some, that can occur at an early age – less than ten years old, but for most there is no personal intimate relationship with the Living God until “the age of accountability.” That age can range from the teens, into the twenties. Some, like myself, don’t experience the Living God until late in life. I was thirty-five before I had a spiritual awakening. I actually felt the power of God, and could sense His presence. It was part of the validation process of determining the Bible is God’s written word. The separation from God that we experience during a lifetime is a mere shadow of the separation that God has reserved for those who can’t find it in their heart to seek out the one True God. There are many religions and many gods in this world, but there is only One True God. You will know it when you encounter Him. The Bible says that those who diligently seek Him will be rewarded (Heb. 11:6 – NKJV). The final reward is eternal life in the presence of the One True God. The immediate reward is fellowship with like minded believers, in the presence of the Lord. It comes through worship and prayer. Yea, though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of the Second Death, I will fear no evil, because the Lord is with me, and with those who claim His name, the name of Jesus. The Second Death should more appropriately be referred to as the Second Spiritual Death. It is complete isolation from God and the holy angels, the spirits of righteous men made perfect (Heb. 12:22-23). The First Spiritual Death is separation from God, but it will end. There will come a time when Jesus dwells in the midst of those who overcome the First Spiritual Death. They will see His face (Rev. 22:4-5) and He shall be their light for eternity. God bless
In my opinion, the second death is the death of the soul. True death isn't simply separation from God, but the literal dissolution of both body and soul. A person is composed of three parts; body, soul and spirit. Scripture does indicate the first two can die. Ezek 18:4,20 "The soul that sinneth, it shall die. " Notice that the soul is an "it", that is, not a "he" or "she," suggesting it doesn't comprise the full person or human being. Also, Gen 2:18 "...and man became a living soul" implies that souls may be living or not living. What exactly happens to the spirit after the second death isn't described, but it will be eternally confined to the Lake of Fire once a person is thrown into it. The soul must exist after death to one degree or another if a person is to receive judgment from God, either positive or negative. The object of Christianity is to save the soul from the negative effects of the first death, and the final destructive effect of the second death.
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