If Jesus was God, why did He say 'The Father is greater than I' in John 15:1?


John 15:1

ESV - 1 I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser.

Clarify Share Report Asked July 01 2013 Mini Anonymous (via GotQuestions)

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Open uri20141125 9439 6dtrvw Gerrie Henderson

I have been studying with family that are Jehovah's Witness. This discussion it the problem with there belief. They don't think Jesus is god. I see it, I believe it. When I use these very scripture to show them, they always saying it is a translation error. I have studied indepth regarding translations, where they come from, the council of naciea, The Apology by Tertuillian. They all state the Jesus is God. I love my family and only want to see them in heaven. Why do we see it and they don't?

December 12 2013 Report

Mini Martha Huntley

Very good answer, I think! Not only does scripture tell us that Jesus "emptied himself" so as to experience life as a human being, but in regards to becoming fully human (a creature of God, and in a different sense of being a child of God than that of "only begotten Son") that is definitely taking a subservient role. Jesus himself came as a suffering servant, and He tells us, that the least is the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven, that his followers are not to lord it over others, but to serve others, and that the servant is not greater than his master.

July 23 2014 Report

1515012380789778228527 RICK PORTER

As The LOGOS, Jesus spoke all into creation. As IMMANUEL, Jesus put on flesh and lowered himself to do THE FATHER'S will. As THE CHRIST, he took on all our sin, and called out as if forsaken, "My God, My God." As THE RISEN SON, HE accended back into heaven as THE LORD AND SAVIOR of all. HE will come again as THE CONQUERING KING, to rule and reign forever.

August 18 2014 Report

Mini Chris Heier

This is a mystery we receive by faith, now we see with eyes of the flesh. It will be fully revealed when we are joined with the Lord in the air. We can discuss this forever, but we will know in the forever. It is by faith that we believe which is the gift of God.

July 21 2018 Report

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