Did Jesus change the water into wine or grape juice?


Clarify Share Report Asked July 01 2013 Mini Anonymous (via GotQuestions)

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Andy  3 photo Andy Mangus

Wine was a 'staple' beverage served w/ any and all meals in that time and place. Our Lord Jesus had numerous meals w/ the 12 apostles at which wine was served along with the traditional bread that was basically what is called shew bread. Goat's milk, well-water or stream-water and wine are the most common choices of drinkable liquids in that time and place.

April 29 2014 Report

Mini Gene Coleman

It is not unusual for over ripen fruit to begin fermentation on vine or on tree. There is a wild cherry tree near my home and it is not unusual and amusing late in season to see bluejay birds after eating some of over ripen cherry still hanging on tree fermented get intoxicated and fall to ground out of the tree.

August 15 2014 Report

Galen 2 Galen Smith

John 2:9-10 — “. . .and the master of the banquet tasted the water that had been turned into wine. He did not realize where it had come from, though the servants who had drawn the water knew. Then he called the bridegroom aside and said, ‘Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink; but you have saved the best till now.’”

This comment by the master of the banquet makes it clear that the wine Jesus made was capable of making those who drink “too much” at least slightly intoxicated. Normally the best wine was served first, and then, when the guests are tipsy enough to be unable to discern the difference, the cheaper wine was served. In this case, the best wine (which Jesus had made) was served later. The “best wine” is the wine the guests normally get mildly intoxicated on. There can be little question that Jesus produced alcoholic wine.

January 28 2015 Report

Mini James Kraft

Read Deuteronomy 14-26 where it says to go buy wine and strong drink or what ever your heart desires and eat and drink with your own house before the Lord. Also Colossians 16 through 19. Verse 16 says " Let no man, therefore judge you in food or drink."-----

Why didn't Paul tell the leaders of the church to not drink any wine instead of not much wine?

What ever you do you are to do it all to the glory of God.

My understanding from the bible is that we are not to judge each other on these things where there are no hard and fast rules. Just be sure in your own mind before the Lord. No where does it say you have to drink wine. If it is a sin to you do not do it, but don't judge others by your own rule. There are many other things like this. Some can eat all things and others cannot. What we have the faith to do is not sin.

February 19 2015 Report

Img 0360 Terry Gillard

This is interesting to me, as someone in our church is adamant Jesus changed it to "Grape Juice". For all the reasons outlined, it's clear this was wine - and good wine. However, in all the discussion the one really challenging issue no one has addressed is, why did Jesus turn water into wine?

He pointed at the miracles - at the poor being helped, and the preaching of God's word when John the baptist queried him: Yet his very first miracle seems to be so - and I hesitate to use the word - frivolous!

My only conclusion is that after walking with him now for 50 years, He is beautiful, He is wonderful in so many ways, but He is absolutely full of so many surprises. If ever you think you know all about the Saviour, then he shows you something that makes you wonder again, "what was that about!"

As someone said, the difference between me and Him is "He is God: I am not"!

December 01 2015 Report

Data Danny Hickman

The apostle John is on record saying that Jesus, in attendance at a wedding in Cana, turned water into wine that was superior to the wine the guest had to begin that special occasion. John 2.

I see no reason to alibi for The Lord and try to explain why He would turn water to wine. Some get the notion that if He did this He is advocating the consumption of a beverage that is forbidden for His followers.

Using the same logic, I suppose those who make that claim would also say that God endorsed prostitution when He instructed the prophet Hosea to go and marry Gomer, a prostitute Hosea 1:2,3. A woman wishing to marry a "man of God " hedges her bet if such is the case right? No, no way...

I don't believe the pastor who baptized me in that little outside baptism pool at that little country church back in 1964 knew a word of Greek, or maybe he did and kept it simple for those of us who wouldn't be enlightened by an exegetical language lesson. But I remember how he explained how The Lord could turn pig feet and pig ears and such, a misfortune if that's all you can get, into a blessed meal if one would heed the words of His mother Mary, and follow Jesus' instructions, keep His word.

The crowd who favored the law over Jesus when He preached His message of grace in and around Palestine called Him a wine bieber and other such names due to their own twisted traditions, so this insistence on total abstinence of strong drink comes as no surprise.

God said that the day would come when no one would teach the people about The Lord, the people would know The Lord for themselves for He would teach the believer 1John 2:27

That's your best bet. Know Him for yourself.

December 18 2015 Report

1600644982.666929 Paul Bourg

The Pastor of my Church once commented on this very issue... His response was "How can an Authentic Savior as Jesus with ALL His miracles not have turn water into an Authentic WINE"... I do not doubt the Authenticity of this miracle.

June 09 2016 Report

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