How does the plan of salvation work for civilizations far removed from the Bible lands during primitive times; as an example the cultures in the Americas?


Clarify Share Report Asked December 14 2013 Stringio Vin Smith Supporter

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Mini Chris Bray

The plan of salvation for ALL nations comes through Jesus Christ. The bible clearly states salvation comes from no other person.

Act 4:12    And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.

However, in recent times compared to the sum total of church history, a false religion called Mormonism has developed a following. The basis of Mormonism is rooted in the belief there is another gospel, one given to natives living in North America in ancient times. They believe ancient Israelites came to North America and became part of these peoples. They also believe this "revelation" was delivered to one Joseph Smith by an angel in the 1800's. Joseph Smith is the founder of the Mormon false religion. However, there are several issues with the belief system of the Mormon:

1. There are no archaeological artifacts that substantiate anything written in the Book of Mormon, their "bible". The Mormons claim there were massive wars and large cities that existed as a result of these ancient Israelites, but yet nothing has ever been found to verify their story.

2. Much of the Book of Mormon is plagerized from the bible, only with changes made by Joseph Smith. The issue with this is the dating. The Malachi materials in the Book of Mormon show dating that is actually 600 years before the Book of Malachi was actually written. Proving again, Joseph Smith was fraudulent in his writing.

3. And the largest issue for the Mormon is the fact salvation can't happen without Joseph Smith. Mormons claim the gospel became corrupt and Joseph Smith, through being commissioned by God, is correcting it back to the original gospel. This very belief renders the work of Jesus Christ secondary to the work of Joseph Smith, a belief which clearly contradicts true scripture.

The plan of salvation works the same for people despite their location in the world. Jesus commissioned His disciples to go and spread the gospel to all nations (Matt. 28:18-20). We now see technology that allows us to reach people at the very ends of the earth, so there's no reason for Christians to not be able to reach the lost.

As for Mormonism, I predict this false religion will unravel over time. The leaders continually change their doctrines under pressure of modern times and in light of historical facts that can't be disputed. Most Mormons are confused about what they actually believe because of this constant change and many leave. There are several excellent ministries that focus on helping Mormons leave the religion and we should pray for their success.

December 15 2013 Report

1619385181.648658 Vivian Lindsey

I believe and the Bible says we have Him all around us to influence us and we are told that the drive to seek God is in us from birth. We are told we should be disciples of the Word and to go and make disciples of people. Be a witness, sow a seed. We are told that unless they hear the Word of God they cannot be saved. Christians are to go out and tell the world as the early disciples and apostles did. We are not all called as missionaries to foreign lands but we are called to witness to those who have not heard or have not accepted Jesus as their savior. Revelation tells us God is waiting on the whole world to hear the Word before Jesus returns to war against sin and the antichrist and take us believers to be with Him in Heaven.

December 16 2013 Report

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