Why is it so important to give a offering unto God? What if its just a quarter?

Why is it so important that we give an offering unto God and why should we give it willingly?

Clarify Share Report Asked January 10 2014 Stringio Bethany Barber Supporter

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Mini Janice Burton

I could get into a long commentary that takes us back through the biblical history of offerings starting in Genesis 4 with the offerings of Abel and Cain (google biblical offerings for loads of information), but to keep it short and relevant to today, I contend that we give because He gave and because we love Him enough to say "thank you" by giving back--John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life" NIV. When we give offerings in our local churches, they are generally used to help those in need, what Jesus exampled for us through His ministry and life on earth. Daily we give to God offerings of prayer, praise, a pure heart and righteous living. These are sweet smells to God's nostrils and pleases Him. If someone needs a quarter and that's all you have, then give it and yes, give willingly out of a passionate heart that wants to continue Jesus' ministry of helping others. God, our Provider, is faithful to accept your offering and return to you what you need His riches in glory.

January 12 2014 Report

Mini Janice Burton

correction to last sentence: from His riches in glory.

January 12 2014 Report

Stringio Bethany Barber

You see I know why and stuff and the stories and such I guess it would be better to say... People ask me why if I only got a quarter why can't I wait till I have much more ... Is there a certain amount that we have to give and what does god do to honor our offering... People want to be rich with money but isn't it better to be rich spiritually .....

January 12 2014 Report

Mini Janice Burton

Bethany, there is not a certain amount that we have to give, but we should always want to give unto God our first and best offering as God did when He gave His first and best, Jesus Christ. One-tenth has always been a biblical guide. But if your first and best offering is a quarter, then give it. Now I will say that a lot of times we spend money on unnecessary things that we could save and help someone or give as offerings. Yes we should be rich spiritually, absolutely! Rich in love, in compassion, kindness, forgiveness, etc. But to balance that out, God only has our hands, feet and resources to help those in need. It takes money to feed the hungry, clothe the naked and care for the elderly and widows. So I would encourage you to continue to give of yourself spiritually and also increase your financial giving as God blesses you financially. Strive to get closer to God so that you can hear His voice and listen less to unsound advice. Make sure you are in a Christian, bible-teaching church so that you can seek advice from your Pastor and Ministers there. Blessings!

January 13 2014 Report

1388814251 Michael Mitchell

This is an interestimg question.I believe Our Savior doesn't need any material thing from us. After all He owns the universe and beyond. what He does want is a total commitment from us. Trying to keep back anything from our Lord is futile. He doesn't want something from us for his benefit, it is for our benefit.we are only here a short time.Trying to hold something back from God is futile. We should give generously and we should hold up all our belongings to Him as an offering, yes our car our house. whatever. Then our Lord will bless us beyond our wildness dreams. When we do that,then there is nothing standing between us and God. And you can stand in his dazzling light.

January 13 2014 Report

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