How are we, in the context of 1 Corinthians 1:10, to agree with one another about anything when we can't even agree the accurate meaning of scripture?

In 1 Cor 1 v10, Paul appeals to the Corinthians 'to agree with one another so that there may be no divisions among you.' In the worldwide church today, and even in my church, there are multiple divisions about many things covering both doctrine and practice. As human beings we are fallible and fortunately we do not simply accept what others demand of us or teach. In the light of this reality how are we to apply Paul's word to our disagreements in 2014? 

1 Corinthians 1:10

ESV - 10 I appeal to you, brothers, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and the same judgment.

Clarify Share Report Asked January 13 2014 Mini Tony Varey Supporter

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Mini Tony Varey

Whilst Paul goes on to discuss what appears to be the development of different factions within the Corinthian church each following a different leader, his appeal in verse 10 appears to have a broader application. It suggests that we need to develop a Holy Spirit-led methodology for addressing differences as they arise. Having the right heart attitude is a good start and in Romans 12 v10 Paul indicates how we should regard one another.

January 13 2014 Report

David goliath victory hg clr Jim Tumlinson

Great question, I used to ask myself the same question until one day I was reading my bible and the Holy Spirit showed me something. The key thing here is "I was reading my bible" not just listening to my pastor and regurgitating everything he said without checking it with the scriptures to see if what he was saying was true like the Bereans did in the book of acts.
Saul in the book of Acts was a Pharisee among Pharisee's. He knew the Torah. He himself was looking for the Messiah yet he persecuted the church until he received revelation from Jesus. The same goes with us.

If we don't read our bibles and let the Holy Spirit reveal things to us then we just sit in church like baby birds allowing the pastor to eat some of the word and vomit it back to us and we eat it all. Whether or not it is truth is irregardless. We just say what he said and never check it for truth. We have no idea that he may be saying things contrary to the Word. I was there at one point in my life, then started to read my bible and found things that did not necessarily agree with what my pastor was preaching. No one is perfect which leads me to my next comment.
The bible says we know in part. We think we have a coin on God, we think we know it all but God is multidimensional. for us to think we know 100% of what the bible says is foolishness. I have found what I consider to be contradicting scriptures but realize I lack understanding on them. No problem here with that. During Desert Storm I had a disagreement with another Marine about a scripture but studied it out and prayed and found that he was correct. Then I went to him and told him what I did and let him know that from what the Holy Spirit showed me he was correct.

Eph 1:17 says to open the eyes of our understanding. As said above in I Cor 13:9 says we know in part. We only know what the Holy Spirit has taught us or what we want to believe without checking it our for ourselves because we are too LAZY to read our bibles for ourselves.

Rom 1:17 7 For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, "The just shall live by faith." NKJV
The word faith in the Greek has various meanings. One of which is belief which would indicate that we move from one belief to another based on what either God has shown us or what we believe someone else has told us. The Galatians had this problem in Chapter 3, they were bewitched into leaving grace and going back under the law.

There are other protestant groups that have written their own bible such as the Jehovas Witness, and the Mormons choose to use the book of Mormon either more than the bible or filter the bible through it. Most other Evangelical Christians (Born Again) will agree that the only way to heaven is salvation through Jesus' sacrifice on the cross, after that it is either doctrine based on denomination or that particular pastors revelation for his congregation at that time or just outright not caring for the flock because he has a J.O.B.

Until Jesus comes again we will probably not agree on a lot of things, like when the rapture is, tongues, healing, etc. The most important thing is that we stay under grace by faith and not go back under the law. Unfortunately we still cannot agree with this one either. Thank God for His patience and grace that teaches us and helps us. He is awesome. Hope this helps.

January 16 2014 Report

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