In Leviticus 20:13 it says that if a man lays another man as with a woman the penalty is death for both; does that still apply under the New Covenant?


Leviticus 20:13

ESV - 13 If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.

Clarify Share Report Asked March 07 2014 Mini Constance Porter Supporter

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Win 20151110 233044 Keith Bowling

Question: In Leviticus 20:13 it says that if a man lays another man as with a woman the penalty is death for both; does that still apply under the New Covenant?

See Answer: http://ebible.com/answers/11677?ori=334959

I don't think the person giving the "answer" is proportionately accurate! There were several things listed in Leviticus that one could be punished or put to death for. But this one thing (a person sleeping with a member of his/her own sex) is magnified in many teachings today. No one spends much time with the others on the list! Why not? And why give this outdated answer as your first response?

I'm happy that (at least) the writer brought up the New Covenant (Testament). Jesus, himself, never said anything about homosexuality. I don't think that is an accident. Remember, King David had slept (or had sex with) several girls/women, before Bathsheba, and was a great king and man in God's eyes! The word homosexual, when accurately translated as the love between two people of the same sex is never condemned in the New Covenant (Testament). None of Paul's letters spoke harshly about two committed, loving people. It always had to do with either temple prostitution, or some other act against God. It is "unnatural" for a heterosexual man to have sex with another man. But loving, committed, sex between two people of the same sex is "natural".

July 14 2014 Report

Open uri20141107 19553 1n3bw03 Brian Nelson

That's not true Keith. Matthew 19:1-8 — Did Jesus say anything about homosexuality? Of course, when asked about marriage, Jesus issued a sweeping condemnation of all sexual relationships outside of the male/female model established in Gen 1:27, which he specifically cited.
Romans 1:18-32 —Though most of the passages deal with the male perspective, for the first time there is a specific mention of female homosexuality. And as the verdict comes in, we discover it too is a depraved condition brought on by a sinful nature.
1Cor 6:9-11—The only passage of scripture that clearly acknowledges former (ex) homosexuals in the church. They are listed along with other ex-sinners who have been changed by the power of Christ. It is certain that Pastor Paul knew there were former homosexuals in his local church and he celebrated their freedom in Christ Jesus. With a completely different tone in comparison to the volume of harsh, negative reaction to the unrepentant homosexuality, scripture here ends with the tremendous hope and goodness of God.

December 23 2014 Report

Galen 2 Galen Smith

Keith Bowling: I respectfully disagree with a couple of your points.

I agree with your statement that "Jesus, himself, never said anything about homosexuality." However, Jesus certainly did not oppose the Law of Moses, but instead upheld it to the letter (or even part of a letter!). Matthew 5:17-19 says, "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. Anyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven." I believe it is safe to conclude that Jesus considered practicing homosexuality to be sin.

I presume that you would explain Romans 1:26-27 as part of the idolatry of verse 25. I (and most commentators) would disagree. Even if this activity is part of idolatry, the actions themselves are called "shameful lusts," "unnatural," "indecent acts," and "perversion" (NIV). Such terms surely do not indicate approval.

Furthermore, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 lists a number of sins which may prevent people from inheriting the kingdom of God, and "homosexual offenders" is in that list. Fortunately, verse 11 says there is forgiveness for all those sins.

December 24 2014 Report

My picture Jack Gutknecht

Christians should desire to see justice served, but our first priority is to see souls saved. Our tools to see this accomplished are the Bible and prayer (Acts 6:4).

December 01 2018 Report

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