What should a Christian do when other so called Christians receive financial help from him/her, and they don't show any desire to pay back loans?

Sometimes you come across believers that are not credible, neither do they display any integrity despite their role in church, it makes me feel foolish as if I lack discernment. Is it part of the sacrifice of the kingdom? Overlooking debts that people owe you? The scriptures says not to take Christians to court.

Clarify Share Report Asked June 18 2014 1609837556.788317 Nike Kolawole Supporter

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Data Myrtle Linder

If they are really Christians they will not balk at paying their debts. You can either forgive them and be sure they do not get another chance. Don't continue to funnel money into their accounts.

March 17 2016 Report

Data Danny Hickman

"You can either forgive them and be sure they do not get another chance." I'm sorry, but the picture you're painting is of something other than forgiveness. "Don't continue to funnel money into their accounts." I can't disagree with that policy, but it has to be called by another name; forgiveness doesn't allow for a salary cap; it doesn't have a border; it's immeasurable because it continues endlessly.

Jesus made it plain when Peter asked him about forgiveness; Peter wanted to know how far to take it (Matt 18:21). Jesus gave him a metaphorical answer; he told Peter you MUST forgive your brother 70×7 times. (that word must gives the church problems. Jesus is defining forgiveness, he's not handing out rules).

The church teaches this as if we can do it; Jesus was telling us what God does for us. The church makes the teaching about us. It ain't about us, it's about the amazing grace of God toward us. A person who is honest with himself will admit that he can't continue to "funnel money into their accounts."

The world (unsaved) needs to know the truth about how God has forgiven their sin. The church teaches that he WILL if they repent. That's not the way it is. Jesus has paid the bond; the unsaved need to come out of the darkness and into the light. There's nothing holding them, they've been freed, forgiven..

There is no condemnation to those who are "in Christ" (Rom 8:1). "In Christ" - that means 'you've been forgiven.' You're in Christ when you BELIEVE it..

February 10 2023 Report

Data Danny Hickman

I'll say it again, 'the unsaved need to come out of the darkness and into the light; they've been freed, forgiven.'

And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free (John 8:32). What truth? That Jesus is the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6) and he has set the world free from the darkness of unbelief. It can't hold us any longer.

God sent Moses to lead his son Israel out of bondage in Egypt. (they had lost faith in what they'd been told about the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob). Moses did it; he led them out and into a wilderness. It was obvious to the whole world that witnessed their release that God had done it. At the first sign of trouble in that desert they wanted to go back to Egypt (the darkness of unbelief). Exodus 16:3

Israel was free from bondage and didn't realize it. The world today has been freed from bondage and doesn't realize it. The hunger and thirst of the desert can play tricks on the mind. But it's only a trick.

For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people (Titus 2:11). Salvation has come to the Gentiles (Romans 11:11).

Salvation is forgiveness; so why isn't everyone saved? Everyone's bonds have been broken: "I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven" (Matthew 16:19).

This was said to Peter (who represents the church). The truth is "the keys to the kingdom." Believers have it..

February 10 2023 Report

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