What is the Bible reference to the reasons for the current conflict in the Middle East?


Clarify Share Report Asked August 03 2014 Mini Karen Bloomfield Supporter

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Eced7a1f c81d 42f4 95ea 9d5719dce241 Singapore Moses

The Gaza Strip, sandwiched between Israel and Egypt, has been a recurring flashpoint in the Israel-Palestinian conflict for years.

Another conflict is on the city of Jerusalem which is deeply significant for the Jewish people, and also for Muslims and Christians around the world. The negotiations and peace talks over Jerusalem between Israel and Palestine is an unending conflict.

So Israel cannot keep Jerusalem as its capital yet. Or Israel cannot build a temple in Jersalem now as both Israel and Palestine are fighting for the city.

However, Jerusalem temple should be built again biblically. It will NOT going to happen until Jesus returns for his saints (rapture) as Bible says so.

As you all aware, Jews did not accept Jesus and killed him on the cross saying Messiah cannot be born of poor. They are still expecting Jesus, the Messiah to be born like a king. Immediately upon rapture, satan will take over and will introduce the Antichrist as the Messiah to the Jews.

When Antichrist comes he will make a 7- year covenant with Israel assuring them of protection in their continued establishment as a nation (Dan. 9:27). Antichrist will need Jewish moral and financial support in his rise over these nations, so he will make an alliance with them for 7 years. Therefore, the time of the tribulation will be during the whole of Daniel's 70th week (Dan. 9:27). It will end at the second coming (Mt. 24:29- 31 Rev. 19:11- 21).

The covenant between Antichrist and Israel (Dan. 9:27). The terms of this covenant are not listed, but it is clear it will be a non- aggression pact, perhaps even a military alliance that will enable the Antichrist to gain power over the 10 kingdoms during the first 3 1/2 years of the 70th week (Dan. 7:23- 24 8:23- 25 Rev. 17:8- 17). It will include the protection of Israel in their national establishment and restoration of temple (3rd time) and assure them at least temporary peace (Dan. 8:25 9:27; 11:36- 45). The length of the covenant is to be 7 years (Dan. 9:27). The Antichrist, or king of the north (Syria), will make his capital the Jewish temple in Jerusalem between the Dead Sea and the Mediterranean Sea in the glorious holy mountain, Mount Moriah.

The middle of the week (Dan. 9:27). The Antichrist in 3 1/2 years gets power over the 10 kingdoms (Dan. 7:23- 24 Rev. 17:8- 17). He then breaks his covenant with Israel, enters and takes over Palestine, and makes the Jewish temple his capital building (Dan. 7:21- 25 8:9- 14, 22- 25 9:27; 11:36- 45 Mt. 24:15- 24 2Th. 2:3- 4 Rev. 13:1- 18 17:8- 17). He will then do away with all Jewish sacrifices in the temple and set himself and his image in the temple to be worshiped as God. This will continue 2,300 evenings and mornings, or 3 years, 2 months, and 10 days of the 1,260 days of the last 3 1/2 years of the 70th week (Dan. 8:9- 14 9:27; 11:45; Mt. 24:15- 22 2Th. 2:3- 4 Rev. 13:1- 18). See 2,300 Days Not 2,300 Years.

Because the Jews will not submit to Mystery Babylon, there will be a widespread persecution and they shall be "hated of all nations" during the time of the beginning of sorrows when Antichrist will be endeavoring to conquer all these nations (Mt. 24:4- 12).

The end of the 70th week (Dan. 9:27). The beast worship and the abomination will continue from the middle of the 70th week through the judgments that will be poured out upon the one making the temple desolate (Dan. 9:27). These judgments will consist of the plagues caused by the 2 witnesses (Rev. 11:3- 11) and the vial judgments (Rev. 15-- Rev. 16) ending with Antichrist's defeat and destruction at Armageddon (Rev. 16:13- 16 19:11- 21 Zech. 14). Jerusalem temple will be desolate again!

August 03 2014 Report

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